POR - Você ficou doido de fazer essas coisas que você tá fazendo?! Ora!! E essa thumb?!?! Que nem ofensivo e abusivo?!?! É sério que fazer um vídeo tipo "Contra-Globo" funciona?!?! Ah!! E tem uma pessoa no Sketchers United que odeia esses tipo de coisa (Se você não conhece o Sketchers United, você tem que clicar nesse link: https://sketchersunited.org/posts)!! E é o Kuroto Kemono (Se você não conhece esse cara, vai e segue ele, é mó bom!)!! E eu também odeio esse tipo de coisa!!! E por favor, por gentileza, pode melhorar esse vídeo? Sendo que, editando o vídeo e deixando a thumb mais amigável pra Globo? Se continuar assim com esse tipo de conteúdo que você tá fazendo, muitos telespectadores vão te denunciar, inclusive eu, o Kuroto Kemono e os outros globistas!

ENG - Are you crazy for doing these stuff you're doing?! Nah!! And this thumbnail?! Like ofensive and abusive?!?! Is that serious that you have to do a video like agaisnt Globo?!?! Ah!! And there's a person on Sketchers United hates this kind of stuff (If you don't know Sketchers United, you have to click this link: https://sketchersunited.org/posts). And it's Kuroto Kemono (If you don't know this user, you have to follow him! He's amazing!)! And i also hate this kind of stuff!! And please, please, can you improve this video? Being that editing the video and making the thumbnail more friendly to Globo? If you continue like this with this stuff you're doing, every viewver will report you, including me, Kuroto Kemono and other globists!

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Next up

Read all of this tho. It's something really important

Introducing: The NeoTeams!

This is the first time a NeoTeam will be in the NeoDrivers series

You've heard of PaleoTeams, right? Now get ready for the NeoTeams

Happy international women day everyone!! :D

Btw if you don't know who they are, they were racing drivers.

And the left one is biological, and the right one is trans

A person in heaven praying to Jesus

Here comes the second episode of PaleoDrivers, which is about the 1988 San Marino GP (Decided to name it Imola for some reason)

Bro if you're christian, why'd you block me??

I'm christian too!

Just released the Monaco GP episode of PaleoDrivers S1

Fun fact: This is supposed to have references of both Los Quemagomas and Pilotoons' Monaco GP episodes

Just made an animation showing off Pierre Gasly's "new helmet design" because some company united with him and made a contest that lets his fans make a helmet design for him

And dude, this took more than 4 hours fr

When you accidentally post something NSFW in the Religion Humans community

Me talking to myself part ??

Read the article because it's really really important