1 year ago

Happy October Everyone!

Thank you all for your support and interest

[Crosspossed from https://www.patreon.com/posts/89102094]

Progress Post in the below!

Happy October everyone! I hope you're ready for the Skeleton War at the end of the month! (on the side of the Skeletons obviously)

October 1st was my birthday, so please enjoy this small update to the Parade



Ok, Goblin game stuff.

Request System

You can now ask an NPC Goblin to give you something to do! Completing a Request grants you a reward and increased Friendship with the Goblin.

The UI is janky as all heck, but at least the system works!




Current Requests:

-Remove Type: Chop/Smash x number of Trees/Rocks.

-Success Type: Fish x number of y Fish.

-Craft Type: Craft x number of y Items of z Quality, you can't just buy them.

I haven't decided yet if you need to hand in these Items, there's nothing to stop you removing the requested items from your inventory between acquiring them and turning in the quest. On the one hand the Player may want to keep these Items,

Here's an example of the rewards for doing Requests, I got 1 Gold Ore for Chopping down 2 Lemon Trees!




I actually forgot to reset the Request system here so you were able to get infinite rewards...OOPS!

Requests and their Rewards are linked to the NPC Goblins Job Class, since it doesn't make sense to me why a Cook would want your to Smash a bunch of Rocks and give you some paint as a reward.

Future Additions:

I'm thinking of adding Farming and Enchanting Requests too, but I'm not sure if the Player will be willing to use Enchanting materials for them, I suppose the Reward will have to be balanced for that.

I was thinking of maybe adding a Timer to Requests, which probably wont work with Farming Requests, since Crops take time to grow. I imagine the Player will get quite annoyed if the Request time is insufficient to acquire, grow and harvest the crops.

Chat System

I rebuilt part of the chat system while doing the Request System, so there can be variations in speech like with Chatting.

When I was working on it I fixed the bug with the line breaks in my fancy text system, no more double breaks when I manually insert one for effect!




I know it goes outside the UI, but that's because it's the old sprite. See how it takes the next word length into account!


Also fixed this dang alignment bug where it pops a few pixels to the left after a second or so! The alignment was being changed by some other draw part, so I just reset the alignment correctly before this draw text. I should probably track down where it's being changed but it's not causing any other issues.





Re-coded Training Dummies to be actual Buildings and not Grass. Originally it was much easier to just have them as grass but that's gonna get messed up by the Save/Load system.

Also decoupled Tree/Grass/Training Dummy Wiggling from Player Facing direction, now it goes by the Attacks orientation so it's not updated by the player moving.




I wanted to add something for the Spooky Season and AnxietreeDev suggested a cardboard cutout! It doesn't exactly do anything though, maybe I could program the NPC's to stand behind it if they're walking past...

For now I've added a Screenshot feature if you're facing through the hole and press the Action button.



It saves to /Screenshots/HorrorCutout/ with file name YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS, for sorting convenience :D


Added Toffee Apples for Spooky Season. Never really been a fan of these personally.




Also added a spooky drink, Witches Brew!




I think you'll only be able to buy these in the Autumn months and not be able to craft them.

Food and Buffs

Reworked my Food System, previously when you used Food I had a master list of all Food that the game would have to run through to find what you ate and then apply Heal you the amount stated in that array entry. Now I've got a script that puts the Food's ID into a State Machine and sets the data from that as a temp variable, then extracts it to adjust your HP and MP. Also there is an extra entry "Buffs" if there is a buff, it checks that Buffs slot for the player to see if the duration is longer than the current duration and updates it.







I can even use the same script to generate the Item text for Inventory and Buildings, so it'll never be wrong! I've got things set up so Items can have up to 3 Effects on top of giving HP and MP




Ended up remaking the Draw Text Generation part so it ensures that if an Item has a Status Effect it's on a fresh line, and so that the duration is always on the same line as the timed effect.




Changed the wording slightly and added +/- so Items can have negative effects, like this cursed Baked Banato.

Minor Bug Fixes/Changes

-Adjusted height of Portrait open mouth sprite to make it look better when talking, now the teeth actually move up and down.

-Fixed a bug where Portrait mouth would stay open if the last character in the text was punctuation.

-Fixed a bug where deleting a farm wouldn't destroy the Chest or Sign.

-Turned out when I changed how Buildings store and reference their parts for Save/Loading I broke expanding Farms and Orchards...so that's fixed now!

-Reworked the Culling System to properly include the Control Systems for Doors and Overlays  for Soil/Plant Pots. Also removed Tree Soil Overlay since that's not a thing.

-Changed Plant Pots and Soil to only be added to the Running Lists if actually doing stuff and not empty. Less things in the list = faster lists!

-Fixed Getting Snowballs from using Shovel on Blueberry Bushes.

-Fixed Smol Cactus persisting on Grass after using Hydration Potion.

-Fixed Smol Cactus Tween effect.

-Fixed a bug where Placing a new Building with old Buildings out of sight would clear the Minimap of the Old Buildings data.

-Fixed a bug where Destroying a Building, placing a new one then Quitting and Loading would crash the game due to the destroyed Buildings Ruglist not being cleared from memory.

-Broke and then fixed save files? Seems to have been related to RugLists again. I think it broke a while back when I added Room Parts as a list in Rooms instead of being in a master list? Not sure how I fixed it, I tried a bunch of stuff and went to sleep, undid some of the attempts and now it works again... T_T

-Actually, that didn't fix it? What seems to have happened is I somehow added junk data to a house when saving so when I went to load it couldn't repopulate the ruglist. Added a check to make sure what it's loading so now at least it wont crash if it happens again. It doesn't seem to have effected the rugs?

-Fixed a bug where the game would freeze if you walked into a Rock you destroyed, because for some reason I was changing the image_mask??? Literally no reason to do that... Should probably add something to make sure the player can't get stuck inside stuff at some point, I have the code for it I'm just not sure where best to put it so it's not running constantly.

-Fixed a bug where you loose your Items made in Converter Buildings (Campfire etc) if you put a different source item in when you hadn't collected your product items.

-Fixed a bug where wiggly text would wiggle super fast. I was doing the t++ in the draw fancy text code so if there was multiple draw fancy text lines it would increase exponentially.

Thank you again for your support and interest in my Goblin game, I really truly appreciate you all.

 Patrons + Kofi:


Game Jolter's


Please look after yourselves everyone, have a fantastic month and keep being awesome!




Next up

Happy March everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Worked on magic, enemies and making things more efficient this month!

Happy March everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Thank you all so very much for all of your support, it truly means everything to me.

Please look after yourselves and have an amazing month. Keep being awesome!

Changed how the Leech skill works. Instead of it being just data, it makes a Magic Object, which approaches the creator. This gives you a chance to kill the enemy before they get healed.

Might make it so you can kill the Object too? Might be too broken

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Shiny PikHatchu!

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Testing out Mulit-shot magic, I like it but I'm not sure if I'll use it. Maybe as a charge attack?


@ddemkoo is a Jolter to Watch and a creator who makes games, music, art, websites, and everything else in-between! Follow @ddemkoo before the quest ends on March 11 and you'll get Coins!

Heck yeah! Love these quests!