So this week has been entirely Lucid work and as you saw in the video I've fully fleshed out three walk cycles and three faces! These are all side characters that I'll explain!
The Balloons
The Balloons are a group of well... Balloons that each have a side quest in the lucid dream world! I have a couple ideas for the side quests such as finding a helium tank or something like that. And as you saw, the balloons will talk! So naturally, I made faces for them! And that is all I shall share for the balloons!
The Addition Sign
The Addition Sign is one of four side characters that resemble math signs! There's Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division! I'm really happy with his walk cycle and yes, each of the four will have a side quest for you to do so there will be a decent amount of side content in Lucid that will give you money, items, the list goes on!
(Thanks to @Thekingbird for suggesting the software i used to make these assets! if he didn't they wouldn't exist.)
And throughout this past week, me and my friend have been working our butts off to make some new songs for lucid! You can listen on the gamepage and I also have a song on Bandlab that is untitled so go and listen if ya want:
And I've also figured out my plan for the minigames! I'm planning that there will be only one minigame in Lucid but I'm open to more if I get an idea from somebody or if I come up with something that sticks!
And the current minigame that I've made is playable in a prototype and I talked about it this post here:
That minigame will appear in each of the lucid dream areas! Oh and by the way, here's a list of the areas I've planed out so far so you guys can get an idea!
Area 1: Fungal Forest
Area 2: Desiccated Dunes
Area 3: Mount Diablo
Area 4: ???
I don't know what the next areas will be but feel free to give ideas! (btw i don't wanna do a snow area so keep that in mind.)
Oh, you thought I was just gonna talk about Lucid? WELL YOU'D BE MISTAKEN!
The Floating Islands in the past two months has gotten a couple upgrades as well! Take a look!

Sam's house has gotten a bit of an upgrade! Though this isn't finalized it's getting there!

Same for Sam's bedroom! There's a lot more in terms of details!

Also, Matthew finally has his own room! It is smaller but chock full of details!

And lastly, the tavern. this one is not done but I thought I'd show it off anyway!
Some other areas currently under revamping are Sam's hometown, all buildings on the first floating island and the dungeon in the first floating island!
So yeah! That's this weeks update and I'll see ya next week!