Whole Ruins structure and some tiles was fully remade after the trailer was dropped. So have some sneaks at them

We probably will add lighting system in the game so it will look better.
On the more technical stuff :
The save star

Bush really went all out with the special effects on this one huh.
Inventory system

We had to think really hard on how to actually make both menu's for Sunny and Kel because we didn't want to steal it from Deltarune. So this is what we came up with.
Battle start animation

Battle system
Most of the buttons work how they supposed to, item, TP, and skill systems work good too. The atacks are finally working aswell, so take a look at one of them

The soul switch system turned out great (it's like in Deltarune then your targeted character "dies" the other one starts to take damage).
The death screen is REALLY good, but we probably won't show it in sneaks because this one is kinda special.
This is all for now! The next devlog (and ones after it) will come out in a month, so please be patien.