1)Bidybab as summon was reworked.
Was: Fixed power summon that needed to be collected around map
Now: Constantly in overworld actor that can be modifier to have summons being
Upgrading is now based on killed amount of protection enemies + funtimes.
based around him
Example: Bidybab holds 3 Gold Dusts and all summons will also hold it
2)Every trinket is now have extra bonuses if you hold 3 copies at once.
List of possible bonuses will be big so have fun discover then (you can read them by holding D button.)
3)Rip compendium
4)Any start items and gold has been removed but some sort of "compensation" was added if
you attempt to leave out of K-mart
5)Turn order have been added. It isn't 100% accurate as in it doens't account speed bonuses from skills
but it may give rough view on who will act and in what order
1)Music overlap after beating intro
2)bidybabs couldn't die if you skipped intro (yes that was a thing)
1)Birthday Gift/Monopolizer/Fool's Gold/Headstart/Ukulele/Powder Bomb is now stackable
2)Player's crit damage increased from x2 to x2.5
3)DD doesn't increases inside of no random encounters locations
4)DD's power no longer affected by stat boosts (level stats + equipment still count)
5)Bidybab's max level hae been increased to 40 but is tricky to reaching it (normally level 30)
6)Game feels slightly faster
7)Bosses in core has been nerfed
8)Each difficulty now increases chances to get item drops and amount of gold you obtain
9)requirement for Baby's max level was decreased from 300k exp to only 200k
10)Both Baby and Bidybab obtained passives!
Baby:each 1% of enemy's lost total hp gives 1% crit chance (maximum 35% crit chance buff from it)
Bidybab:each 1% of losted hp gives 1% evasion chance (have 100% evasion on 5 or less % of hp but goodluck triggering it)
1)Enemy's buff power was lowered from 25% per buff to 15% per buff
2)DD's requirement for power increases was significantly lowered
3)Maximum DD for bosses increased from current+2 to current+3
4)overall stat increase for Bidybabs has been lowered as drawback for ability to fully customise them
5)Titanium Mic, H. Bonnie's Corpse and Rockstar Mic no longer give big flat atk boost but instead
scales based on shop level/dynamic difficulty
6)all enemies expect cameras(?) no longer can evade
There may could had been more changes while making update but that's basically main shit and if i missed some sorry not sorry lmfao