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what do u guys think of my fanf tierlist i think tis pretyt wholesome <3333333 i amde it with my dad he helpe dme put the characters in the lists of the tier :)))))))))) his name is mr hop on me :)DDDDDDDDD i hope u like it!!!!!!!! <3333333333
YouTube Creator Recap bullshit just came out
Guys we did it the funny numbers lets go!!! We won yet again!!!!
Uhhhh hopefully I can make more videos on 2025 cuz like man I suck at this LOL
Coolwalker's Cool Adventure P.00: Prologue.
Inspired by "Tara Quest" by @CopperMan (had this idea before he even began making his thing)
@foknt just released a new video to his channel, THE COMPANY INCIDENT, which is the best video I have ever seen.
Peak comedy, peak editing, peak character arc from THE GREAT PAPYRUS
Go check it out RIGHT NOW!!!
we are cooking some insane jonlore