Honestly, not so much has been done in the last couple of months. Someone had exams, someone was tired at work. However, there is still some progress.
Most of the work was focused on a refining the plot, the laws of the universe, and the integrity of the entire narrative. We supplemented, removed, and rewritten in order to make the story better. Also, practically the entire map of the town has been drawn at this point. (It was a big piece of work).
Now we have a plan for the entire game series. The three main parts of the game will continue each other narratively and develop into a whole story. At the same time, each game will be a self-contained and complete game.
Also, it's important to say that there have been changes in our team since the last video. Mapi, Belf, Cori and Liya have left us. Jane (artist) has joined us. That's it.
After such a long break in posts, we wanted to post something full and special, but there is nothing suitable at the moment. But the main thing is that we keep working and new material will not be waiting for long!
#devlog #untitlednote #televisions