But this post's of course also a special one as well!!!!! Today on this special day, here on March 3rd, 2024, Scott Cawthon (The Original Creator of Five Nights at Freddy's) and The Euphoric Brothers had released our beloved games that are part of these loveable, scary, and positive/beloved Mascot Horror Games of all time!!!!! Just here today, #TenYears of FNAF 3 and #TwoYears of Garten of BanBan 2, makes me wanted to create this beloved-ed GameJolt Anniversary Fanart just for the positively-like sakes of it and everything!!!!!!
And here it is all of its very own glory-ness all up-close and of course as always, I've even put the exact dates for each of these outstanding Mascot Horror Games!!! Speaking of Mascots, I'd also added in not only the future-like image for my GameJolt Profile Picture, but I'd also added in some of the Parody Mascots/Characters of Jax Justun Studios that I'd made as well from January to February of 2024!!!!!
And besides, they're now not only just part of the Garten of BanBan Universe, but also part of their own FNAF-like Universe or Fan-Verse as well!!!!! Well guys, just like that, that was it for today for this #1182ndGameJoltPost for today standards you guys!!!!
And to make things clear of course, I'll be posting/uploading this GameJolt Fanart here in the official game page for the #17thFiveNightsAtJaxJustuns game and will also put it inside of the game as well!!!!! I must say you guys, I haven't been doing these kinds of Fanarts like this here on GameJolt since last year!!!! In October of 2023, which was last year that I'd graduated in of course..........
............I've been like constantly creating, uploading, and/or downloading like #31GameJoltFanarts from just one thing alone!!!! Getting a GameJolt Award/Trophy from logging in each day from doing all of this from each day from one sitting each!!!!!! Anyways, it was like 4:30 PM on my side here on GameJolt, and just like that...........Or just after all of this of course, I'm going to take a beloved hot/warm shower and take care of my family as well in positive ways!!!!
Well guys, be safe, have a wonderful day, Happy Anniversary for both Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) 3 and Garten of BanBan 2, and of course, be respectful to everyone with positive behaviors, manners, and/or with cooperation-ness from in-person and/or even online too!!!! I love you guys!!!!!! #WelcomeTpMinecraftia!!!!!! #Happy10YearsOfFNAF3!!!!! #Happy2YearsOfGofBB2!!!!! #HappyBanBanniversary!!!!!! #HappyFNAFanniversary!!!!!!!! #BothofFNAFandGartenOfBanBan #MeetsJaxJustunStudios!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!