Five Nights at F***boy's: Complete Collection + (CC+)
10 days ago

Hello People of The Internet I would like to ask you.
What is the thing that you would added/changed in CC+
Can be something as small as changing music or as big as adding a boss, who knows maybe it will end up in Next Big Update of This?



Next up

Since freddy is your main party member for the most part I decided that will give him buyable passives. You will thank me later

The fighter pass was fully revealed. Wait you didn't see all the reveals? Go join the discord server to see all the stuff that is happening in community there!

Soon :tm:

The final fight between the two.

Happy 10th Anniversary #trtf!

Enjoy the demo to The Return to F***ing Freddy's!

So I decided to make a fighter pass.

Get him.

Welcome fnafb bears and fnafb chickens i have come to say that today is 10 years since fnafb release so happy fucking anniversary! Thanks for sticking by.

Chiaki Nanami!