Hello again Jolters, Lightner, Startners, Supporters ando Friends!
The news is this:
I have already reached enough savings to buy a laptop and be able to make and finish the game progress with the team that are working with me.
The light in my heart is brighter more than ever now and i owe that to all of you friends.
After months of work and a lot support with you guys friends, i can finally finish the development of the fangame Deltarune Susie's Story, that are still It is still standing to be fulfilled one day and I know that one day it will come to light.
Don't lose hope yet, this requires patience, perseverance and faith in me and God; who of him is the one who is helping me in heaven.
Always every day, i pray for daily bread, the faith and love to God, for also fulfilling my goals with hope and dreams.
I have sacrificed a lot to achieve things outside of the internet, in order to obtain I have sacrificed a lot of myself to get what it takes to create the game.
I know that both you and I do not stop hoping that this game can be finished one day and believe me that there is a long way to go to become a reality. As long as they don't stop believing in Jesus Christ.
For now i have been showing some small and curious things of what the game will be through the stickers.
For now not enough time to write the script and the dialogues of the characters.
During this month maybe in the breaks of my work in real life I can do it.
The first thing we are doing is creating a new demo from the old demo to adjust it with a new stuff
Here is some thing that we are making yet.
We are making a very nice and solid menu with the options (audio, video ando key config)
Creating some beta achievements for the 25 beta testers.
Making the full screeen option like deltarune (Xbox, ps5 or nintendo switch)
Creating various systems for the game (menu system, dialogue and interaction with objects in the game and more)