To start off as you can see in the video i uploaded at the top you can see some gameplay footage of the new battle ui and the bullet hell battle system i re-implemented for the 9099th time!
The new UI hasnt changed TOO much but its still definatly different have a look!

Neat right? yeah yeah yeah i know i know its awesome.
Another thing to note is that the demo has changed a bit! Its definatly alot shorter to say the LEAST... The demo should hopefully be finished this year with some more luck itle be here in like 2/3 months... who knows!
Heres another couple screenshots

Thats mostly all ive got to show! Demo is 50% done if your curiouce!
I will be posting a more detailed devlog on TUMBLR at the end of the month, ill go into what ive specifically bin upto in terms of developmont and showing some more behind the scenes stuff such as code and stuff! so if your interested in reading that feel free to have a look ill link all the socials here!
Beyond that i have nothing to say really, id like to keep things more "Straight to the point!" over here on Gamejolt and im sure you all enjoy that aswell, if not then i geus ill post my devlogs from tumblr over here on gamejolt aswell!
Vltra Twitter!
Vltra Tumblr!
Vltra Discord!
And another thing! We have an application form now for people who would like to join the developmont team! Please check it out if youd like to we could always use more peeps on the team!!!
Application Form