Untitled Game
4 years ago

How things will gonna be, future from this game and others things

Hello! I doing this devlog to talk a bit of how the things will gonna be for this game, Idk if you guys know about it but, this is my first game I doing literally from the zero, my others game I made like, new day on the zombies world, zbu (or for those who know me a lot longer, the underrate Block City ), none of them was made from the zero, some was made with the Zumbi Blocks project base, others was made with a lot of things downloaded from the internet, and that's what I have doing the things until now.

This game is being programmed by me, and my friend is helping with some models to use as a base for now, so, this game is something who started when I was just playing in a minecraft server with some friends, on the start, this was made just for fun but, I looking forward to this project different from the others one, so, I want to make this game something not like, veeery big but, something good and enjoyable with some friends, for now, I will uploading some free demos and prototypes for this game while I work on it, and when it's will enter the stage "ready" it will be paid, not something very expensive, something like 3$ or 5$ dollars , but this is something I will decide according of how things will be going

I will start making a trello to organize everything I want to do until the stage beta or alpha, so I hope to see you guys here and see what you all think according to the game's development

See you guys soon!

~Matheus sonico



Next up

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

Devlog #6 New lobby, Appearance and more!

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

Nickname System, improving a few things, and maybe a reconnect system!

canal tá de volta no Youtube (não o antigo), depois eu posto um video da 0.17.0 lá pra da uma atualizada no pessoal

fiz alguns icones pros perks, ainda tem alguns pra fazer mas boa parte já tá pronta

Changelog 0.17.2

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

Algumas foto de como tá a HUD agora, ainda quero muda muita coisa mas tá bonito até

Changelog 0.7.0