Happy Halloween! Just kiddin’
So this update brings a “Goblin Thief” to the game, he steals your powerups(and starshards)
And a brand new fast-paced gamemode called “Comet Madness”
New Gamemode - Comet Madness
Only 1HP
Your only weapon is Sword
Your only enemies are quick Comets
Comets give 1pts each
If your score is >75 you get bonus 2 Star Shards(in other modes >300pts)
New achievement ‘Comet Rider’ for getting 100 points in this mode
7% Spawn rate of Star Shards
New Enemy - Goblin Thief
Spawns every 50 seconds when powerup/starshard is nearby
Steals Powerups and runaways
Steals Starshards transforming into a dangerous boss-like enemy
4HP(24HP while transformed)
Drops 1 Star Container when killed(as the mini-boss)
Currently not present in Sandbox
New rare Drop - Star Container
Gives you 1 Star(Not Starshard)
12% Spawn Rate(22% while Golden Clover effect)
Exclusive to Enemy Ships (and Goblin Thiefs)
Increased Star Shard drop chances
In Classic Mode from 2.9% to 9%
In Hardcore Mode from 4% to 13%
Sandbox Mode Updates
Added ability to disable spawning of Space Leeches
Increased min frequency limit of Spawn Leeches to 60s
Now all powerups are on same rarity level(except Legendary Golden Clover)
Changed how statuses work
If you manage to get a bug that resets your whole save during Sandbox match just opt out to the sandbox mode customization menu, this should bring everything back
I’ve been trying to fix this “Destroyer Bug” for a long time and for now this is my only solution..
Smaller Changes
Fixed crash after going into ‘Comets Size’ setting in Sandbox Mode
Fixed wrongly working buttons for setting spawn powerup ‘random place’
Fixed not working buttons for setting ‘Bats Bullet’ damage
Fixed Android move buttons
Fixed slower Flip movement on ‘Keyboard’ steering
‘Highscore beat’ blink is no longer present in Sandbox Mode and is fixed in other modes
“B&W” and “Ammor’s Arrow” have different colored exhalation, instead of default orange
Fixed ‘Legendary skin drop’ sound
Homing Rockets now make a small explosion
Changed the ‘Inventory’ room by a bit
Get Hyped for the next HUGE 2.0 Overhaul Update😊