We’re just days away from our October 21st release date, and we have a lot to share before then. Thanks again to everyone who has supported us along the way, we could not have done it without you.
Over the next few days, we will detail all the new and changed content coming to the full release!
But today we wanted to share with you our new trailer, which is very punchy and shiny!
Additionally, we’re announcing bonus content which will also be available on October 21st. We will introduce a Supporter Bundle, which will contain the following:
- The game itself;
- The Supporter Pack, which contains an exclusive 12-page prequel comic, 20 early prototypes, and a dozen of artwork;
- The Original Soundtrack from Joonas Turner.
Note: each item will also be available separately! And if you want the bundle but already owns the game, a discounted option will also be there for you.
Additionally, we’re announcing bonus content which will also be available on October 21st. We will introduce a Supporter Bundle, which will contain the following:
- The game itself;
- The Supporter Pack, which contains an exclusive 12-page prequel comic, 20 early prototypes, and a dozen of artwork;
- The Original Soundtrack from Joonas Turner.
Note: each item will also be available separately! And if you want the bundle but already owns the game, a discounted option will also be there for you.

We also launched a free demo for the game on Switch and Xbox One today, alongside the Nintendo Switch preorders for the game.
Nintendo Switch US preorder: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/scourgebringer-switch/
See you very soon with more details about the full release content and changes!
As always, feel free to join our Discord and enjoy hanging out with us :)
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