Welcome to Dawn Eclipse.
The game where we get to play as both villain and hero in the same character. I won't spoil much of the game but this is a dev log. Thus forth I shall post dev log updates here and there.
For right now allow me to show what I have. [Only some things though, don't want to spoil too much.]

Here are 3 basic enemies we can encounter in the game. A Canopy Castle Guard, a Crow and a Goblin.
Now as for the software I'm using to make this game, that'd be RPG Maker MZ. Since that's the only software I truly know through and through for the most part. [Every texture in that game I will eventually replace with my own style. So don't panic about basic built in things]
Currently, though not necessary yet, I would appreciate some Alpha Preview Testers. Just to make sure the game is functioning, if you guys find bugs, what you think of gameplay etc etc.
I still do need some more Musicians, I got two people to sign on, but the more the merrier. At least 3 would be nice.
As for the game itself, I'll be doing a QNA down the line when this page picks up a little bit more.
Thanks for reading!