Dawn Eclipse

16 hours ago

Dev Log #4

this is Bushell, it is a bush... it has arms and eyes. Did I mention it's a bush?

Welcome to the fourth dev log here.

Uhhh, sadly there isn't really... much to go over as I've been busy but I can show older stuff I haven't shown off yet.


here's a vine, pretty neat


and here's a mini-boss
his name is Flail and he's not very smart

As for how the game is progressing in general, I've laid out more of the games plot instead of the games assets, so more story is flourishing and I know none of you guys really know me but I love a really good, lengthy and enjoyable story.

So me and a school friend are sorta grinding to get a good enjoyable, dark and twisted and mildly comedic story.

Hopefully it goes over well.

That's the end of this dev log. See you in January.



Next up

Dev Log #2

Monthly Update on this game, it's going rather well. Here's a snippet of one of the first battles in the game's second act.

Dev Log #3

Here's your monthly update on the game.

Another snippet of a battle. Once more I shall say that the graphics you see will be changed. Battle Backgrounds included.

Me and my gf @m00nmilksketchb00k as sticks

Cuz I felt like it

*Appears and disappears again*

HELP my internet is so slow

Dev Log #1

Here's a look at a battle

[the battle background is the wrong one, that's my bad]

I will change all visuals in the game except maybe the window where text appears.

Day 15: Raven

Hex [my DnD character, Kenku Blood Hunter]

Ravens/birds aren't my strong suit, but Wooper gave me ideas again. We and some others played DnD during the summer so this works.

A bit of sloppy drawing, mouse was acting up.

#Joltober2024 #Raven

Guess what guys?

You ready for another multi-part cover series?

Cuz uh, it's a WIP.

Meet Sparky.

He's based on Mega Man and Chibi Robo.

He's a Plug Port with arms and legs.

More in the Article

Merry Christmas to you all 🎄🎁‼️ Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you guys all have an amazing day❗

I wish I had Christmas themed art to share, but unfortunately I never got around to it :[

But I hope a silly photo by the tree is good enough!! 🫀

This right here, is a link to an event going on on my discord server. So about the project I mentioned was going to release on Christmas. It is, but I'm streaming the full thing on my discord channel.
