30 Floors to Freedom
5 years ago

I didn't realize that posts weren't showing up here so a bunch of posts are going to pop up.



Next up

I've finished redesigning the first dungeon. Unfortunately you'll find the remains of those who tried escaping before you. Don't let that discourage you though, you only have to go 30 floors. The last image is the boss room of the dungeon.

Working on getting the second dungeon ready playability wise. I'll try to change magic to skills for the two characters that don't use magic, but I'm not sure I can. Hope everyone is having a good Friday.

Just giving a look at the testing that is currently going on. I'm testing a boss with each character with base items and at the same level to efficiently balance the game.

Level up screen has now been implemented. You'll be able to see how much experience you have after a battle. This will be in the new update that will be uploaded today. Thank you for your time and support.

I've started work on the new dungeons. All redesigns of dungeons 1 & 2 have been completed.

Here's a look at the battle ui. At the start of the battle you are given the choice to fight or run.

4th dungeon is in progress. Sorry it has been so long, school has kept me busy.

Here's a look at the finished second dungeon. From here on out full dungeons won't be posted to keep things secret. I'll post one or two photos of other dungeons in the future.

I've started work on the new dungeons. All redesigns of dungeons 1 & 2 have been completed.

I've finished redesigning the first dungeon. Unfortunately you'll find the remains of those who tried escaping before you. Don't let that discourage you though, you only have to go 30 floors. The last image is the boss room of the dungeon.