2 years ago

I found this program that makes XP/VX/VXAce games have an isometric view

The page is in French so you'll have to use google translate.

It adds an entire engine you need to use so make sure you read the instructions there

Here's also another one for vx ace called layy meta engine which makes the game 3d with a rotating camera:


Here's where I found all of this:


#rpgmakervxace #rpgmakervx #rpgmakerxp #rpgmaker



Next up

Making editable diary entries in Y/N's diary.

Enemies are animated now.

Made a customizable Navigation Arrow that rotates around the player and points them to the next story location.

The #RMjam700 is over, with six entries all themed around Manic Love, each of which you can play here!


I strongly encourage you to give them all a play before we start voting next Tuesday (March 11th) More details below!

Savefiles from the demo are now compatible with the Fullversion + the demo can be played in 2 other languages now: German and Simplified Chinese.

World Bub is a card-based strategy game where you guide Piko through a gauntlet of battles in hopes of taking on the villainous Ducklin and becoming the World Bub champion. We made this game for this year's GGJ (theme: "Bubble").

Drill Combo. The more walls you drill back-to-back the faster you get (Both drill-speed and move-speed) and in turn the less control you have in your movement.

What if it does increase weight 😢

The Flipside - INTRO!

Smuggling out items from the dungeon by storing them in an ✨illegal storage✨