I'll be working on more backgrounds in 30 minutes. Stop by the stream and say hi! https://www.twitch.tv/saltandpixel
Next up
Cast is all here. Zernek did a great job with the character redesigns. https://twitter.com/Zernek1 Next, I need to redo the boss and level art.
Tonight around 9pm EST, I am streaming CRUSH artwork. I'll be redesigning one of the arenas. https://www.twitch.tv/saltandpixel
I started a Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/saltandpixel) and you can now access all my games (including CRUSH) for $5/month. Read the article for more information.
Making an arcade cabinet is interesting....
Coming out of the blue, I'm going to reskin CRUSH. Here's a preview for some of the NEW character designs. by https://twitter.com/Zernek1 Been a while with this game. Plan is to update the existing game. Anyone who purchased the original will get the update.
Just wanted to announce that Annihilator has left Early Access and is now a full release!
Arena A art for CRUSH is finished. Now on the Arena B
I made an intro. !volume warning
Custom Wrestling Toys in my Etsy shop!!! https://saltandpixel.etsy.com
Welp. Got a new demo out. It's a block breaker game.