Comments (130)
SMASH TV lives AGAIN!!!!!
Kore wa yoi gemudesu
Will there be a PS4 Version?
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Me gusto el Pixel Art y el filtro que le ponen para que se vea mas de la vieja escuela.
Esto juego no es para casuales, requiere muchos reflejos y practica.Disfrute el juego pero le encontré unos problemas
El juego comienza inmediatamente, por lo que siempre pierdo una vida al principio
El contador solo sirve para tapar la pantalla al principio, deberían ponerlo en una pantalla del escenario o algo
Deberían cambiar el puntero, es solo un punto blanco, a veces se me pierdo entre tanto enemigo, recomendable jugar con Gamepad
Y aveces morí inmediatamente después de respawnear
I liked the Pixel Art and the filter that make it look more old school.
This game is not for casuals, it requires good reflexes and practice.I enjoy the game but I found some problems.
The game starts immediately, so I always lose a life at the beginning.
The counter and the effects at the start just works to cover a lot of the screen, they should put it in a screen of the scenario or something.
The mouse pointer, sometimes I can't see it between so much enemy, that makes it more easier to play with gamepad.
And sometimes I died immediately after the respawn
Apart from anything else, good game!
CRUSH 5.0.3 Early Access - Not Dead Update +

CRUSH is an action pack twin stick shooter for PC. Set way in the future. CRUSH is the "Greatest Intergalactic Gun Show!" in the universe. Hundreds will die for the entertainment of the crowd as you compete for glory and prizes!
Early Access of the game.
Two Player.
Great lighting engine.
Lots of weapons.
Decent challenge.