Sorry for not posting anything. I'm so busy with school and when I'm not doing school stuff I relax with videogames. I also feel stressed because I'm really doing nothing for my videogame projects even tho I'd really like to continue working on them.
Exams went well, I think. I passed what I wanted to pass and I even took one full score with praise. But now I'm really stressed with the new academic calendar and I will have to reschedule my time
It will take some time to adjust to the new schedule in order to do some more exams and take a good score because I'm late with some of them and I wanted to take them as soon as possible.
I'll still search some time for the projects tho it would be a pain to drop everything after all the time and care I've spent on them
And, besides this, I really, really want to make these games for the community
Ican't choose to let this go, I just can't.