What have I been up to?
I’ve fixed some bugs and updated some content:
Tina, Test Dummy. Sigma has been reworked, so she can use her new jump scare.
Nagaz’s jump scare sorting layers have been fixed.
Head Collector MiniGame has been updated. The map is now larger, the code has been optimized, and the difficulty has been removed. Players now receive rewards based on the number of heads they collect, and losing no longer costs a life.
I’ve also written some new data logs and am considering hiding them in the game. If I can find a creative and fun way to hide them. I’m a bit tired of ciphers everywhere.
I’ve been looking into releasing the game on GameJolt.
I have spent 4 days trying to make a good thumbnail, and it’s just not happening. 🙁
I’ve created some new Gizmos (formerly called "scanners") for the player: Power Bank, Power Trade, and Repair.
The Venture title is back; "Explore" just didn’t have the same feel.