Gravity spell
2 days ago

I've finally figured out what the new "antimagic" zone will look like!

I've updated its appearance, and when you're in it, you'll have a slight clouding.



Next up

I redrawn the walls a bit...

I think it looks fine

A new "antimagic" zone... (I'm still thinking about his visual. I want it to be more unusual.)

This zone is almost the same as the red one, but the difference is that telekinesis works in it.


I've slightly changed the visual of the antimagic zone.

There's still time to redo this area in all the scenes.

The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!

Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!

Learn more 🔽

The Other Light Test...

The game seems to be suitable

More quests inspired by The Knightling have entered your quest log!

Play the demo of The Knightling for FREE and wishlist the game at: https://bit.ly/discovertheknightling

Plus, The Knightling Community Pack has appeared in the Shop.

Hello everyone!

Small changes in telekinesis:

Left mouse click - you can move an object with the effect of rotation.

Right mouse click - without the effect of rotation.

Hello everyone!

I've added a few small details. For example, when opening doors with a button, the camera will show an open door.

And I also added a background blur to the menu.

INAYAH - Life After Gods and The Knightling both have demos on Steam as Part of Next Fest!

Wishlist INAYAH: https://bit.ly/playinayah

Wishlist The Knightling: https://bit.ly/discovertheknightling

Tell us some of the demos you've been playing in the comments!

Hello everyone!

I changed the game menu a bit. Added animation. I hope it looks cool. =)