If your appeal was denied, this is usually because of one or more of the following reasons:
The information or explanation you provided for why you should be unbanned was insufficient. We need to know the context of your situation, and convinced why you should be unbanned.
Your appeal was lacking in any information. We cannot unban someone whose appeal simply says "please unban me" with no reasoning.
Your appeal was written with a disrespectful or inappropriate tone, which led us to believe you would not behave appropriately in-game either.
Your ban was already at a Tier 4 permanent ban, which cannot be appealed.
You have already appealed once before. You cannot file a second appeal in most circumstances - you lost your last chance already.
Unfortunately, due to the number of appeals that we get, combined with all of our other duties, we cannot always engage in direct discussions with you about your appeal.
Therefore, if your post has ended up in this channel, you can consider our answer to your appeal to be: "we're sorry, but we are unable to unban you, based on the information that we have."
If you truly, sincerely believe that your ban was an error, then you are free to reply to us on your original appeal, and we will do our best to consider your case. However, we cannot guarantee that we can respond, so please do not message us about your appeal outside of your own appeal post.
Thank you for taking the time to file an appeal. We still hope that you can continue to enjoy the game offline.