Howdy, everyone! It's me, Prisem.
I wanted to give you all this very important message, which i hope you understand.
I've given it a thought, and we're cancelling.
Cancelling the pre-demo, ofcourse.
Here's why:
My mental health.
As you may or may not know, game dev is very hard.
Having to work both on the demo and the pre-demo was very straining emotionally for me, even leading to major breakdowns.
Developing this game overall has changed me a lot. I got exposed to the better, and the worse over the time i spent being known as a soul prequel creator. But, that doesn't mean i'm taking a break or anything. I definetely developing this project has given me some sort of purpose in my life, and so my passion and wish for the past year or so, was to release this game for you all.
I love all of you.
Development? Can you even call it that?
So about development on the Pre-demo; it was pretty much just a polished and playable version of stuff we've shown off so far, nothing special.
That fact, however, did not stop us from somehow taking a really long time to release that 2 minute, maybe less long build.
For a while now, our development team has struggeled with miscommunication, inactivity and me being a bad director in general. But, as of recent events, i decided to put my foot down and get development on the full demo get done how it should. No more doing a little bit of this, then a little bit of that. No, no and NO! Now, more about our future plans~
Plans for the Area DEMO.
So, as a compromise to getting this thing done, and not making myself cry 3 times a week; Me and Hadulm ( Music lead, best friend ) have thought of how to get the demo out for you guys without overworking ourselves, getting rid of the pre-demo and all that other great stuff. We're basically going to cut some content that would have to have major work done on it.
I know that it sounds terrible, and "You'd ike to wait longer, and get a better product" or something, but keep in mind me myself and the team are also wanting to get this out, and trust me, if we don't make the demo crowed, those reappearing mechanics and such are going to appear later.
Here's some of the cut content!
Zipline mechanic

( Mock-up)
So, for those of you who are in the discord server, you're probably familiar with this sneak peek. The zipline mechanic was supposed to get the Player from one part of the demo to another in a quick way, and even making itself an overworld-bullet hell minigame when first used.
But that's all in the past now, or...maybe the future? ion know.
Wiggly bridge mechanic

This was literally just ann occasional bullet hell that happened on one of the many wiggly bridges in the demo.
There's not much to be said, as i haven't quite figured out much about it's importance except that it was mainly just filler content so our demo'd feel "cool" and "new".
There was (probably) more that i haven't mentioned, but these two seemed like the most important.
Anyways, thanks for reading this message from me to you. I hope you understand my decision in cancelling the pre-demo and cutting content from the full demo, to focus on a simpler full area DEMO.
Thank you, and cya(n)!
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