TC!Underfell [Undertale Fangame]
9 months ago



Happy June, everyone!

We want to personally thank all of you for the support that you have given to this project. For those of you who have been here since the beginning and those of you who are brand new here. We appreciate having you be with us on this journey!

It has been admittedly quite a while since our last update on the progress of this project. We have been a little quiet as of late due to a combination of IRL responsibilities that we have had to deal with. For quite a few of us, it is looking like those IRL responsibilities may not go away any time soon.

It is with that in mind that we as a team have been discussing what the future of this project is going to look like. It cannot be denied that we have accomplished quite a bit during the last few years, in particular putting out a mini-demo that has received near universal praise and has been played to death (75,000 downloads from all around the globe as of today!) However, with the amount of time that we as team members are currently able to dedicate to game production, the current scope of this project cannot be maintained. If we do not make drastic changes to this project’s scope, then it may end up being perpetually on hiatus/delayed, if not cancelled altogether.

When Undertale Yellow and TS! Underswap came out, we were incredibly excited as a team to try and replicate something of that scale for our own project. However, as we currently stand, we do not have the resources to do something like that.

Therefore, we have decided to take the project into a new different direction, a direction that should hopefully be more sustainable moving forward and that will work with the resources that we have available as a team.

The idea is to convert TC-Underfell into a pixel comic/multi-media project. This would be similar to Inverted Fate and Rupturedtale. Similar to those projects, the bulk would be made up of individual panels showing the game’s story content, with important story moments and battles being programmed and made playable.

As of now, that is all the details we can share, as we are trying to work out the details ourselves. However, we will be sure to keep all of you in the loop and will continue to give you updates on our progress.

Again, thank you for all of your continued support. You helped us get to the point where we are now, and it will be your continued support that will help push us into the future. We are excited for what that future will bring and can’t wait to show you what happens next. Who knows, if these plans go over well perhaps, we can potentially revert back to the old plans as initially intended. However, at this current point in time it still seems incredibly unlikely for us to do so. So, for the time being, we hope you continue to stick with us and look forward to what it is we have in store for the future of this project. We know for a certainty that not everyone will be satisfied with this change, and that is ok. Just know that our team has no intentions on stopping when it comes to helping this project flourish into fruition as much as humanly possible. With that all established, we hope to continue to provide you with a memorable experience.

~ Mattster & Jason (Head Writer & Leader of Team Colossus)




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