Hey everyone! What a year, huh? We’re starting off this new year with a brand new devlog! We got a few things to share, including sprite changes, general development updates, some new songs, as well as plans for the future.

At the moment, we’re mostly focusing on polishing what we already have- sprites, music, script, story, all that jazz. Many things are getting redone/updated, both from the mini-demo and forward.
That being said, 2024 is planned to be the Year of Colossus cause we’re all raring and ready to dive headfirst into development. The Flooded Temples have been fully outlined, (with a few things being cut due to pacing/story issues). Every character in the main cast has a full bio, with their motivations, behaviors, character arcs, and relationships all spelled out and planned.
We’re already beginning work on making assets for other Temples characters, as well as mapping out the Temples as a whole. Once the Temples are mapped we’ll make the rooms and plan out cutscene movement, as well as dialogue portraits and expressions.
So yeah, we still have a ways to go, but we have a plan for what we’re doing! The future is bright for the Flooded Temples.

New songs!!! Whoo hoo!!! You may all rejoice.
This lovely piece right here was hand-crafted by our very talented musician Tai Undead (formerly Mr Stardust). Let hear a round of applause for our wonderful music director!
*clap clap clap*
“Six Fragments” is a mysterious song that plays during a scene somewhere in the demo. Let us know what you think the context is!
Here’s a new version of our Game Over theme “Strength Through Resolve” by Metal! The remixed motif is beautiful, and fits quite well in some unreleased tracks~
And last but not least… Our trailer theme that we forgot to upload!!! Whoops!!! It’s okay though cause now y’all can listen to it all you want. Tai Undead did a fantastic job on this one, as per usual.

While quite a few smaller things are being updated, along with future sprites, we wanted to show off some new, Fairly Important sprite updates!

That’s right! As you may have already noticed with the devlog spritesOur favorite duo is getting updated. After I (Valor) took a look at my sprites from a year ago, I realized I could do MUCH better than I could a year ago, so everything (walk cycles, animations, dialogue sprites, etc.) for the two are being redone!
And speaking of Dialogue sprites, check out Flowey’s new sprite!

Looks a lot better, huh?
One more pretty cool thing that we’re changing, inspired by Undertale Yellow, is running sprites! Here’s what Frisk’s run will look like:

A few other things are being changed, but they’re mostly minor things.
On another note though, with Flowey’s new dialogue sprite ready to go and Frisk’s in the works, hopefully the Tumblr askblog will be revived soon!

After we update the mini demo, we plan on working hard to get the rest of the Flooded Temples finished. With the outline complete and the scope of the area feeling MUCH more feasible than it did before, we’re confident we can make a fair amount of progress this year. Not promising a release yet, but we will let everyone know if this changes.

There’s been some wonderful fanart in our discord server that we thought we’d show off!
This wonderful piece of art by Toast shows off our Frisk bonding with Chara! It’s very cute and the art style is wonderful.

This piece by Space Robinson has the most adorable Frisk and Flowey holding hands (and vines). The expressions in this are amazing!

This cool drawing by Boskeleton shows Flowey with his scary face >:D It was a lot of fun making that sprite and it’s equally as fun to see it drawn out!

We plan on doing a community spotlight every devlog, we're putting out an art prompt! If you're inspired, make a piece about your favorite moment from the mini demo.
We'll pick our favorites for the next spotlight!

One Last Thing
We wanna thank you all for the support since we released the mini-demo! Since we put out the demo a year ago, we’ve gotten over 62,000 downloads! That! Is so crazy! We’re unbelievably happy you all enjoyed it, and we’re excited to share the rest of the Flooded Temples when the time comes.
~ Valor, Creative Director of Team Colossus