Insectoid Descent

7 years ago

Insectoid Descent: Harvesting Scrap

GreenAPC, before and after art upgrade.
By now, nearly the entire environment has been upgraded into the current artstyle, one of last remaining old-style textures has been replaced this week. Similar to the tank, the remnants of this broken down APC will need to be scrapped by the main character, potentially allowing the player to upgrade the mobile turret and other interactive things like buying ammo and repairing walls.

The Scrap Mechanic


For awhile now I’ve been trying to decide how to implement this, the plan so far is to have the player harvest metal parts from broken down vehicles around the facility. The above GIF shows the ‘Reclaimer’, allowing you to turn scrap into refined metal. In the lore, certain types of insectoids were genetically engineered with extreme anti-material acid glands, so horrendously corrosive that standard military vehicles have will their armor quickly dissolved, leaving deplorable stains of metallic byproducts.


Next devlog will show even more relating to the scrap mechanic and with the implementation of scrap and AI pathfinding, the game will be open for download with regular updates.




Next up

Tales of the Game Dev

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