springtrap kills the fnafb universe

2 years ago

Introducing chaos mode :

will be explained later what this is

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Next up

chaos mode final update :

ladies and gentleman we're at the endgame

hey it's been a while been working on my next project in the background but i also noticed there were some problematic bugs and balance issues which is what this patch is made for so by now the new download package should have fixed the bugs


It's Here!, Springtrap Kills The CAE Universe Has Been Released

Happy 10th Anniversary #trtf!

Enjoy the demo to The Return to F***ing Freddy's!

ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you my newest masterpiece

fnafb divorce simulator

It's publicly available to play here

FNAFBTALE - Final Conclusion Update :

- Second Phase for the freddy fight has been finished

- Hard Mode has been added

- Freddy Scenario (AKA mirrored fight/vs Balloon Boy) has also been included, it can be only unlocked after beating hard mode

what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)

to keep it short:

Welcome fnafb bears and fnafb chickens i have come to say that today is 10 years since fnafb release so happy fucking anniversary! Thanks for sticking by.

it's not over yet..