Leather Boots Is no longer a buyable trinket rather it's now an unlockable from beating a certain boss
Weapon's Status Inflictions Have Gotten Buffed by lasting longer and Hurting More
A character in foxys shop will give you an item if you interact with them
Bosses have been overhauled once again using dispell dance type like skill a lot less more making a room for dot Inflictions by you
one of the bosses have gotten their look completely changed
The Gun Weapon Has Been Slightly Nerfed Having Enemies take less damage from it
Next up
Find the Omega Hat
sktcaeu patch note 1.1.0:
what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)
to keep it short:
Cooking something cool
it's not over yet..
"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"
hey it's been a while been working on my next project in the background but i also noticed there were some problematic bugs and balance issues which is what this patch is made for so by now the new download package should have fixed the bugs
F***Boy's Wild West - REDUX UPDATE
BIGGER, BADDER, and, Wilder ?
after some time I decided to update the game with not only bug fixes and balance changes but also additional new content
The Following Update Contains:
FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!
if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.
ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you my newest masterpiece
fnafb divorce simulator
It's publicly available to play here