"Once upon a time, One (and the last) Camera of the 90's decided it had enough of doing nothing but staring at a corner for who knows how long, so it started fighting tables and bonus bosses for Levels, Tokens, but most importantly... Power."
Have you ever wondered how would a FNaFB Fangame with Cameras as protagonists be like?
...No? You're getting it anyway. And it is this game.
For quite a while since the start of february i had been revisiting a few FNaFB fangames i played in my early years, when i replayed the cancelled build of Quest For Revenge i thought "damn i wish this was finished... wait a minute". I liked the concept of cameras going on adventures and fighting shit, as no other fangames have done that (as far as i know, except that camera's revenge game that only 2 screenshots of it exist) so i just kinda started using the og material and finishing it, implementing new stuff and reprogramming things that didnt work, as well as a rebalanced experience
Hello everyone! Today i present you what i have been working on these past few months, its a recode of a fnafb fangame called "Quest for Revenge" made by LadTheLazyFuck with the purpose of finishing what was left behind of it + rebalancing/reprogramming stuff. This is actually my first ever fnafb project, and what a game to start than a cancelled one! (Yeah...). I actually remember having experiences with using RPG Maker VX Ace (adding the profiles thing in Favored Parties which i did 2 times, but both files are lost LMFAO)
I got to say, its very fun working on this, i actually contacted one of the devs (Crazy Martin) on discord and he liked the thing so uh heep heep hooray!
According to how much progress i have done, and the ideas i fully implemented and have left, i could say the game is a 70% done! I don't have a release date planned for the game (and i don't plan to) but i think the game MIGHT be done by the end of april - the start of may, until then, you guys can wait ig
Lastly i want to thank @randomdino for the huge help that gave me when i started using rpg maker (plus making this cool ass thumbnail/header for the game), @Swagtama
for teaching me many things i didn't know how to implement in the game + suggestions and playtesting, and the people at the FNaFB Discord Server for the support!
Uh yeah thats it, i don't wanna make this post anymore longer so have this explosive cat that usually appears when i make long posts