Quest For Revenge: Reprogrammed Continuation

8 hours ago

Introducing - Quest For Revenge: Reprogrammed Continuation

"Once upon a time, One (and the last) Camera of the 90's decided it had enough of doing nothing but staring at a corner for who knows how long, so it started fighting tables and bonus bosses for Levels, Tokens, but most importantly... Power."

Have you ever wondered how would a FNaFB Fangame with Cameras as protagonists be like?

...No? You're getting it anyway. And it is this game.

For quite a while since the start of february i had been revisiting a few FNaFB fangames i played in my early years, when i replayed the cancelled build of Quest For Revenge i thought "damn i wish this was finished... wait a minute". I liked the concept of cameras going on adventures and fighting shit, as no other fangames have done that (as far as i know, except that camera's revenge game that only 2 screenshots of it exist) so i just kinda started using the og material and finishing it, implementing new stuff and reprogramming things that didnt work, as well as a rebalanced experience

Hello everyone! Today i present you what i have been working on these past few months, its a recode of a fnafb fangame called "Quest for Revenge" made by LadTheLazyFuck with the purpose of finishing what was left behind of it + rebalancing/reprogramming stuff. This is actually my first ever fnafb project, and what a game to start than a cancelled one! (Yeah...). I actually remember having experiences with using RPG Maker VX Ace (adding the profiles thing in Favored Parties which i did 2 times, but both files are lost LMFAO)

I got to say, its very fun working on this, i actually contacted one of the devs (Crazy Martin) on discord and he liked the thing so uh heep heep hooray!

According to how much progress i have done, and the ideas i fully implemented and have left, i could say the game is a 70% done! I don't have a release date planned for the game (and i don't plan to) but i think the game MIGHT be done by the end of april - the start of may, until then, you guys can wait ig

Lastly i want to thank @randomdino for the huge help that gave me when i started using rpg maker (plus making this cool ass thumbnail/header for the game), @Swagtama for teaching me many things i didn't know how to implement in the game + suggestions and playtesting, and the people at the FNaFB Discord Server for the support!

Uh yeah thats it, i don't wanna make this post anymore longer so have this explosive cat that usually appears when i make long posts



Next up

I am getting unbelievably close to 1000 followers

rip my pc

yup it happened again fuck my life

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

You voted for it... you're probably getting it!

that's left right! Shadow Nights will have stickers (when i get creator) !!!!!!! wo!w!!!!!!!!!!!

tho these drawings are just ideas of how they look like

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

Shoutout to my friend who used to bring these to school everyday last year

It's crazy to think i was once some guy with 12 followers

Yeah another FNaFb4 Fan Game, it's only a demo for now (yes i don't have a better image to use in this post)

Has WIP Wednesday ended already? Yes

Do i have something to show of asov? This

Is it enough? Idk man you tell me