Hello Villagers!

This release is all about the village and how it can change and evolve over time. It also includes frequently requested features, like donating items to the library, character customization, and improved fishing and critter traps.
Unfortunately, I had to shelf several features I had planned to include. There are also several incomplete features in this release. This is because the release was already taking much longer to finish than I had predicted, and I knew it was better to release what I had now rather than making you all wait even longer.
Adding "Part 1" was a last minute change that I thought might help set expectations.
Let's take a look at these tasty patch notes!
Library Exhibits

The biggest change in this update is the completely renovated library! The library is finally accepting donations for all kinds of artifacts, critters, fish, plants, and everything else that you can find around town.
The library expands its exhibits as it levels up, and over time you'll even start seeing rewards for your patronage.
The library has been greatly expanded with the addition of 5 new exhibits
Players can donate a wide variety of items and creatures to the library. Talk with Library Services to learn more
Exhibits can be visited and each display can be interacted with for info, trivia, and more
The library starts out small, and will expand its floor space as it achieves higher ranks
Contributing to the library now raises its level. You'll unlock special bonuses as you increase its rank
Books, scrolls, and other readable objects can be read by interacting with them
Added a huge number of new artifacts to discover
(Identifying artifacts in the library now serves an actual purpose!)
Expanded the Library Services desk with new explanations and tutorials
Added a number of new jewels, amulets, rings, etc. to discover
Lindwyrm and Ruby now work on an actual schedule
Improved the look of the library
Player Customization

At long last, you can finally change the appearance of your character!
By far the most requested feature since launching in Early Access, players can now freely switch between 5 different 'presets' of looks. Assuming there are no problems found with the new sprite system, more types will be added continuously through Early Access.
You can now, finally, change the appearance of your character
Currently, you can select your new appearance from a several presets of various genders, skin color, and clothing options
New players can select their appearance during the intro cutscene
Existing players can change their appearance via a special device near the Wall of Text (north side of town) or via the basement upgrade for your home
Village Restoration Project

The village now changes and evolves over time.
Stores will improve their stock the more you use them. Visitors will start appearing in the inn and town square. Villagers will plant flowers and set up decorations as they begin to feel pride in their town.
Your village now has an overall rank depending on your completion of all various goals and projects available to you. This rank will ultimately have story and gameplay impacts, though this is yet to be implemented.
This release is considered "Part 1" of the final Village Restoration Project. Part 2 will release later this month and will include even more features related to village progression.
Parts of the village will now improve and change over time as your rank improves
The general store will now renovate itself into a larger, more impressive store after reaching a certain level
The bakery starts out closed and opens up sometime after the initial town meetings
The bakery will start offering more advanced items as it levels up
The stock of items sold at the general store changes with its level
Changes, improvements, and additions to the village will trigger as each building 'levels up' via usage
The current Village Rank is now displayed on the end of day summary
Home Improvements

Several new home upgrades have been added for purchase at Pishky's. In addition, the interior and exterior of your homestead have been steadily improved.
Added the Stash to the list of purchasable home upgrades
Added a Home Expansion to the list of home upgrade projects
Added a Basement to the list of home upgrade projects
The expanded home includes new furniture and opens up even more upgrade options
Basements have no immediate use yet, but will be a great place for workshops and storage

A large number of various changes to hobbies are also included in this release. You'll enjoy some long-awaited improvements to traps, energy costs, spawn rates, and more.
Greatly reworked how fishing and critter traps behave:
Traps are no longer a separate tool. Instead, trap locations will be displayed when you have the 'main tool' (Net for critters, fishing rod for fish) equipped
Interact with a trap location to learn a bit on how they work and to arm them if you have the appropriate number of traps
Added a new ability to help you predict when a trap will finish catching a critter or fish
You can now inspect in-progress traps
Rebalanced the energy costs for fishing
The length of time it takes for a trap to catch a critter is now variable
You can now view the number of remaining traps you have via the toolbelt menu
Increased the amount of experience gained from catching critters
Decreased the amount of experienced gained from fishing
Added a number of new dig spots throughout the world
Rebalanced spawn rates for buried items
Added a large number of new foragable items
Removed journal pages for treasure hunting and gardening
Rebalanced how often critters spawn by default
Removed the concept of "subtools"
Improved collision of garden plots
Improved animation and hitbox of the shovel
Additions & Improvements

And like always, I also added a whole bunch of other new stuff that didn't neatly fall into a category. These changes range from graphical improvements, improved UI and controls, or brand new features.
Added a large number of new furniture and interactive objects
Added some new interactions to the end of day summary
Re-balanced how fast time flows
Added a number of new potions to the Pots & Pie stock
Added a number of new gift items to the store
Seasonal changes now have a greater impact of vegetation and trees. Flowers and crops come and go, trees and bushes have snow on them, and so on
Added a large number of new flavor critters that you can encounter on your journey
Greatly improved how stairs look and operate
Added the option to quit during the end of day summary
Added a number of new interacting and flavor text
Added proper winter variations for each tree and bush
Certain flowers now change their look depending on time and weather
Shift + A / S now brings up the toolbelt menu
Improved interacts / inspects near the player's feet
Improved the look of the winter tileset
Improved the look of a large number of new furniture and interactive objects
Made a few 'canonical' glitches (like Valentine's way of speaking) more obvious
Save files from v0.75 are placed in a special backup folder - just in case

Fixed major issue that was causing villager sprite issues during Summer, Autumn and Winter
Fixed armed traps accidentally trapping tamed critters
Fixed traps from replenishing for free with each load
Fixed certain critters acting strangely when approached
Fixed sprite issues for a number of critters
Fixed issue preventing payment after a Dr. Klaus job
Fixed seasonal weather not working correctly during the first day after a load
Fixed being unable to fish in Pioneer Square
Fixed layering / overlap problem with buried items
Fixed time not pausing properly in several situations
Fixed the test subject job from granting you the same effect each time. It won't be that easy!!
Fixed the Village Projects journal page from displaying incomplete / blatantly wrong entries
Fixed wonky collision issues with the homestead exit
Fixed a number of unassigned variables in dialogue
Fixed the suitcase and bed from remaining behind in Overflow after you purchase a house
Fixed wonky issues with shoveling animation
Fixed the UI not displaying after the end of the day
(Please note that Valentine has a certain of talking, and you can assume it's intended)
Fixed possible collision issue with the dock in Bonfire Beach
Toned down the intensity of the Theme Song effect