Hello Villagers!
Welcome to version 0.72!
This release was originally going to focus only on home and village improvements, but I somewhat accidentally found myself hunting and destroying dozens of bugs instead.
Frankly, all this bugfixin' work was long overdue, so I decided to change gears and make it my new priority for this update. In total I fixed around 50 bugs which should go a long way to making the game feel more stable and professional. I'll continue working on home / town building in the next release.
Anyway, here are the full patch notes!

Home Improvement & Town Building
Vastly improved the look of the player house exterior and surrounding area
Redid the interior (tileset and furniture) of the player home
Redesigned and moved shops on main street to prepare them for future upgrades
New Homestead Upgrade: Clean out the polluted pond so you can use it for fishing
New Homestead Upgrade: You can now move your garden from Agrarian Acres to just outside your house
Added a new system that can change the look and feel of the village as it evolves over time
The village is now evaluated and ranked each week. Speak with Jaclyn in Town Hall for more info

Graphics & UI
Redesigned and improved many of the buildings and decor of Main Street
Added chimney smoke effects to buildings in the village
Added a large number of new external lanterns and street lights
Improved interior lighting of many villager homes
Improved the look and colorization of the interior tileset
Improved the shadowing for trees and other vegetation
Improved the look of "New Dialogue" notification
Improved the look of room transitions
Improved camera movement when used in cutscenes
Improved dialogue box movement in cutscenes

New & Improved Features
Modified the fishing minigame so that the hit bar doesn't shrink as much
Drastically improved how 'flavor critters' (like butterflies, squirrels) look and behave
It now takes substantially longer to unearth treasure if you're exhausted (eat or nap to get rid of it!)
Added a number of new Critters and Fish to catch
You are no longer able to move away from a conversation if there are dialogue choices coming up - this solves a few bugs
You can now speak to an NPC during part time jobs to hear tips or quit early
Drastically improved state management to smooth things out and prevent you from being 'stuck' in a specific state (eg., being stuck in the casting rod animation)

Game Feel
Improved player collision. In general, collision should feel cleaner and less fragile
Your energy is restored to full when starting a tutorial from the job board

Bugs Fixed
Fixed crash related to UI elements dimming in cutscenes
Fixed a crash relating to sending following critters back home
Fixed crash related to certain cutscenes
Fixed crash when backing out gift selection when writing a letter
Fixed a major issue in which the camera could become "detached" from the player during some room transitions
Fixed a major issue in which you could bypass certain areas by walking through them mid-conversation
Fixed a major issue in which cancelling a letter would cause the gamepad keyboard to display and be unable to dismiss
Fixed several major issues that resulted in becoming "stuck" after certain transitions (cutscenes, jobs, new areas)
Fixed a large number of situations in which you could sequence break while performing an odd job
Fixed jittery collision when performing a job or chore
Fixed issue where exterior lighting would appear to change during a cutscene
Fixed some jerkiness / stuttering during cutscene and job transitions
Fixed issue where players could still move / act during a cutscene
Fixed issue where players could move while during an area transition and cause it to abort
Fixed incorrect door collision
Fixed notes not having a dialogue portrait
Fixed large number of state-related bugs
Fixed large number of issues related to purchasing a new home
Fixed a few weird issues (like orphaned pixels) in the interior tileset
Fixed collision issues near the Balefire Beach entrance
Fixed gaps in collision around the edges of Balefire Beach
Fixed certain UI elements not dimming during area transitions
Fixed a number of debug commands that were erroneously enabled
Fixed player house from erroneously changing sprites at night
Fixed issue where homestead upgrades could appear missing upon entering the area
Fixed a number of issues with the interior of the player home
Fixed an issue where the player house would not update to a "fixed up" sprite after purchasing
Fixed issue where buying a house put you severely in debt
Fixed layering of the Donkey Fly critter
Fixed an issue where UI elements would appear partly transparent
Fixed collision bug in Carefree Crossroads that would cause you to get stuck between a tree and a hard place
Fixed issue where a temporary 'ghost' item could appear after making a purchase
Fixed issue where players could release critters that are currently following them
Fixed a number of discrepancies between gamepad controls across PS4 / Switch / Xbox controllers
Fixed a large number of lingering issues with flavor creatures (like butterflies, squirrels, and other critters you can't catch)
Fixed a lack of title on the Villager page of your journal
Fixed an issue where placeholder items from the bakery, Pots n' Pies
Fixed issue that was causing weeds to be surprisingly tricky to pick
Fixed incorrect control labels
Fixed issue where mail was still being delivered to the mailbox outside of Overflow even after moving into a new house
Fixed a number of instances of text overextending beyond the dialogue box
Fixed a number of typos
Various other misc. technical and stability improvements