Village Monsters

5 years ago

This is another small patch update fixing some of the more urgent bugs found in v0.80. As always, thank you to everyone who reported bugs via email, Twitter and Discord!

  • Players are now able to donate to a Community Fund when the village reaches a certain rank

  • Added a number of new treasures

  • Birdie has new things to say when she is working on a project

  • Fixed major crash issues stemming from a particularly troublesome octopus

  • Fixed major crash issue resulting from certain critters

  • Fixed being unable to enter the Bufferwood from Pioneer Square

  • Fixed a number of tile issues in town

  • Fixed strange tile overlapping during Autumn and Winter

  • Fixed major crash related to a miss object (Rough Diamond). You may have encountered this when attempting to withdraw or sort your stash

  • Fixed a number of unhandled errors in the skill list that

  • Fixed a number of issues with traps, such as getting infinite critters / fish

  • Fixed issue causing the bakery to appear closed beyond the intro segment

  • Fixed a number of tile issues in Firetree Forest

  • Fixed lighting issue when fishing at night

  • Fixed a number of duplicated exhibits descriptions

  • Fixed UI elements from staying disappeared upon wakeup

  • Fixed a number of embarrassing typos in the Exhibits descriptions

  • Fixed a number of embarrassing typos in dialogue

  • Improved the display of the fish name with the Fishstinct line of skills

  • Adjusted entrance to Violin Valley to prevent softlocks

  • Removed the ability to open the tool menu with Shift + A / S. It was causing issues in certain configurations



Next up

A Note on Save Compatibility

Village Monsters v.0.70 is out now for all platforms! I had two goals with this release: completely overhauling the gardening hobby, and redoing how the game saves and loads data. To celebrate the release, Village Monsters is 10% off all weekend!

There's a new Minor Patch (0.51.5) + a belated holiday sale! Grab Village Monsters now and save 10% - wow!!!

Gardening has been the most neglected hobby in Village Monsters. Many players don't even realize it exists.

Well, that changes now. Let's talk gardening!

It's time for another major update! Welcome to Village Monsters v0.80, also known as Part 1 of the Village Restoration Project.

New Update: Early Access v0.72.5b: Home improvements, village improvements, code improvements?!

For a very long time now – as far back as March 20th, at least – I’ve wanted to make big, sweeping changes to Village Monsters. Well, today seemed as good of day as any to finally announce these exciting changes.

It's been a long time since I've written a dev log for Village Monsters, and it's been *even longer* since I've made a Blingee. So I've decided to rectify both of those things today!!

Happy Day-After-Valentine's-Day, villagers! This is one of the best days around if you like discounted chocolate and red-and-pink colored tchotchkes.

Village Monsters update v0.65.0 is out now on all platforms! I think a cozy and comfortable game about chilling with your monster friends in a cool village is something a lot of people could use right now.