Actual progress: High level fleet commands
“Keep micromanagement to a minimum” is one of my core design principals. Fleets can now be controlled with high-level commands. Launch fighters, prioritize xxx target, etc. Of course you still have precise control over your own ship, and other players can still control theirs.
It’s not pretty, but here’s a little action after issuing the “launch fighters” command:
The big cube in the corner is a teleporter that leads outside. Again, not pretty. And pay no mind to the floating laser cannons…
Technical junk: Evaluating online multiplayer
A couple people asked for it, I feel like the game needs it, so over the last few weeks I sat down for a proper evaluation.
First off: It’s going to slow me waaaay down. That ~October alpha quickly becomes December-March. But it’s not like there’s a mob of screaming fans lining up to be disappointed or anything.
Things I needed:
-Maximum control over serialization
With large battles every byte counts.
-Security by design
I’d like to ship with source code + PvP
After testing multiple solutions, I decided my best option was to write a custom wrapper over Godot’s NetworkedMultiplayerENet. It’ll require engine-side changes for security reasons, but nothing too complex.
So yeah, I’m doing it! Goodbye October alpha. Hello 2019.