This devlog is added to you to know some things about game characters and other cool and sad stuff :|
First: for this year I STOP creating mini bosses and secondary characters(idk how they’re names in english X3). I already have Tortule and his overworld sprite, so, now I think where will he appear. I have Ruins final boss and his overworld sprite, if you think she isn’t cool, emm… Whoops, spoiler :3
Second: I already have some game musics, but I won’t show you it before full demo comes.
Third: I have some problems with rooms design, so, I think demo will come out next year.
Fourth: I’m working on music and sprites for some other teams who make undertale fan games, so, I’m afraid of the releasing demo in February :c
And final fifth: I’m working on 3D Models and other stuff for my new game (only one game, because Dark Holes is cancelled for a long whole time), you can see this project in my games, but I didn’t want you so much to see it. It’s horror.
Okay, next news will next week. Good luck and goodbye!