As you might have noticed, I have not been making devlogs very often. And I’d like to adress why.
Firstly, I have lot’s of other things to do, and not just develop. It’s not my entire life, and I don’t want it to be.
Secondly…well…after I finally “fixed” my project and was finally able to open it, everything was kind of, well, corrupted. Every sound file, script and texture was removed from the scenes (maps). While it is possible to manually fix all this, it’s gonna take a really long time to get it all done, as I have to find all the textures and re-apply them myself, aswell as all the models that have been corrupted, find and re-apply every single script and audio, aswell as of course apply shaders to the scripts manually, etc.
It’s gonna be tough, but I can do it. I just dont want to force myself.
Thanks, hope you understand.