“Jesus, that was quick dude ! :o”
I made a new try for a mac port last evening and made a night shift ^_^ I worked the whole night through to port the game to mac. It’s done !
The only difference between the Linux and Windows version is: Th game is running in Cube 2 Engine instead of the new fancy new Tesseract Engine, but before you start moaning let me explain why. Cube MetalHeart got a Tesseract port for Mac and even on my Late 2013 Macbook Pro (16 GB RAM, Nvidia 750m GT) I can only achieve 15 - 30 fps. So, I decided to make the port with the old engine. Now, you are running a little enhanced Cube 2 Engine, which comes with 60 fps and the graphics looks similar to the other OS builds.
Have fun !
Memorix :)