I’m pleased to announce that PersoNO 0 now has all of its main story events and cutscenes finished! However, there’s still quite a lot of stuff left to be done before the game’s ready to be released. I still need to work on making all the social links, balancing out the gameplay, playtesting it, adding a bunch of finishing touches etc.
I decided the first major change I’d make would be redesigning the game’s menus to be slightly more original and interesting looking. The old menus were boring-looking stock RPG Maker ones, but now I’ve added a bit more spice to them with the help of some scripts since I myself am incompetent at coding.

But changes to the base menus are not all! I’ve also finally added a menu for social links and social attributes! Two menus that were noticeably absent from the first PersoNO, with the latter simply being a pathetic little textbox with some numbers that would pop up at the bottom of the screen when you pressed Q…

The original PersoNO’s virgin social stats “menu” compared to PersoNO 0’s…

CHAD social stats menu.
And for the first PersoNO I didn’t even bother having a social links menu, but I finally decided to bother having one for this game.

So that’s pretty much all of what’s been going on with development recently. Will try to keep updated. Stay tuned for more updates if you want.
BONUS: My first experiments with trying to edit the menu and kiiinda fucking it up…