Undertale Last Breath is steadily approaching completion! I plan to adjust and add attack difficulty and effects later.
Added "Show FPS", "Show Key", "FullScreen", "NO HIT", "Change Name", "Change Name", and "Effect" were added.
Other improvements have been made to the HP system. I have removed some unnecessary code to reduce the file size of the game.
Because the game data is stored in local storage, we have restricted some of the game's behavior when run in a browser.

I am working on assets for Dusttale Skelton Brothers' House Encounter. I recently took a survey to see which sprite would be better. However, I still haven't decided which one to use.
Addition of menu BGM
Addition of "Undertale Promised." and "Undertale Hard Mode
This battle engine is of my own design and has a few quirks in judging. If you press a key, you are moving, if not, you are not moving, and so on. If you make good use of this, it will make the game easier to conquer.
Version 0.2.0 has been released
Along with this devlog, version 0.2.0 is now available. It contains all the fixes and updates described here. Please note that it contains unfinished elements and bugs.