Discovery Island Novel Series: Harmony And Horror

15 days ago

"Matelda the Killer" Chapter 4

Abandoned all hope, ye who enter here, and these are the words I speak of.

The light was blinding but visible at the same time, but I didn't know where I was until I had look on the left side, there had seemed to be some item's on a silver plate, these were medical tool's, tool's that a doctor would use to cut someone open, it's strange how people use common tool's that are meant for labor, cleaning, or manual work for thing's like murder or killing, almost as if most individuals enjoy corrupting thing's that are meant to help innocent lives.

I tried to get up, but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, almost as if there was a large gaping hole in my body, I looked, but my lingering thoughts were sadly confirmed, I had saw my intestines hanging out as if they were cut open by a mysterious force, I tried to put my organs back in my stomach, it took about 6 to 7 minutes but I had succeeded in doing so, luckily.

But, it was strange considering the fact while still felt extreme pain from the process, it wasn't possible for me to be alive in this very moment of gore, after all from my extensive knowledge of human durability and endurance, it wouldn't be possible for a normal human to still be alive at this very instant.

I didn't expect for it to be true, but it was, because I had managed to get off the medical table, the process was messy at best, but I was lucky that I could even move at that point.

My only motivation now was to find out who tried to kill me, and seek retribution for their crime's, I grabbed the knife on the medical plate and made my way out of the room.

And I had gotten into the other room where the 7 men were at, they seemed to be running a medical test on a dead body, it would feel good to actually ask questions first but I'm not that kind of person, so I raised the knife and stabbed both of the 2 men who were there, and drop kicked the other one, it was hard adjusting to my form but eventually the pain became easier just from getting kicked in the head by the last guy, and eventually I'd grabbed one of the other medical tools from the iron plate, lifted the heavy man slamming him on the medical table, and digged the knife into his throat without any hesitation whatsoever.

My mother once told me that people all have a ideological construct even if they don't have a reason for what they do, but she also told me that despite this, some people can't be gambled, hurt, or persuaded out of doing what they want, and I made sure to keep this moral philosophy until the day I die, but why would someone so sick want to kill a teenager like me, considering the fact that I would fight back no matter how dangerous they are.

I made my way out of the lower west side in the facility, the odor smelt like rotten flesh, whomsoever did this to me had clearly done this to other's, and I'm just their latest victim, someone to be persuaded and eaten like a pig, what a strange, small, and sad world we live in, this must be "the true American dream", if I don't say so myself.

I heard rustling in what seemed to be the west corner of the building, at first I thought this was just the hospital settling, but second thoughts are a true joy kill, maybe it was the killer who was shredding his old victim, I'm not the one to be hero but maybe I could get some new intel on my new found vision, or something more relevant to what's happening to me at this instant.

And it didn't a long time to find the victim, her hands were hanging up on the ceiling bloodied and stained, the persecutor had no mercy, and absolutely no sympathy for what he did, of course she was still alive but worse for wear at the same time, as I said before I'm not a hero, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to not have another funeral on my hands, I always liked funerals but there's a time and a place for everything, right?

So, I managed to break the chains from her wrists with minimal damage to spare of course, the victim gave me multiple complements for saving her life, I'm not immodest but I guess I do feel an ounce of approval for doing something mildly worthy of respect, after all respect is given, while hatred is earned, if I don't say so myself, but I was surprised that she didn't show any fear or discomfort from my gory appearance.

I've been walking for hours trying to find the east side of the building, then it took around 8 to 9 minutes to find my way out of the west side, we found 4 exit doors and we tried to open them but they were both sadly locked.

Those latest 8 to 9 minutes felt like hours, I guess with my new found vision, time feels all out of left center and blurry for some reason?

We tried to find another, and we did, and all I had to do we take the chance, the freeway to get out of here, but I had a deep feeling that this wasn't it, that the killer could still be in the facility waiting, suspecting, and watching until I'll come and find him myself!

The girl I helped ran out of the building to find a safe haven, but I was wary of what's to come in the upcoming hours, because I had heard whispers, echoes, and a masculine yet soothing and alluring voice that had a personality and aura of charisma that no one else could possibly resist, ye who enter here.

It was the voice of a man no doubt, his voice wasn't threatening at all on the surface, and he had said that he doesn't get much visitors here especially not the one's that showed such espionage and rejection of any possible fear from a man like him, because I knew who really was, and he was a cruel man indeed, he called himself "The Red Man" or "The Graveyard Butcher", of course he didn't come with name himself, no those were just local, national, and international rumors that were given to him from the frightful crimes that he had committed with no sympathy whatsoever, he told me how the people of his resident's were merely irrational individuals, they didn't care, they were the kind people who didn't care about anything but drama or rumors, they fought and gave away with hatred in their eye's, he said that there was a rational reason to give up on the world in a way he saw fit to him, he said that all human society really does is wake up, work, to back home, and die, almost as if life had a circular and functional purpose that didn't allow anything but low empathy, anger, rage, and ritualistic violence for no reason.

I couldn't help but agree from what he said, that the pain we all go through in life no matter how sad it was, all seemed so formulaic, boring, and ritualistic, almost as if our only purpose is to be guided by our own ego's, regret, and want's that other people have, which those people have, in my opinion their are only two types of people, the victim's and the villain's, but which moral alignment do I fall in truly, and is there any value or meaning to my own existence that I can't speak of?

Abandoned all hope, ye whomever enter here, abandon all hope, ye who enter here, maybe I've abandoned all my hope, ye who enter here, simply!

The man could right through me, he knew my anger I felt deep down under my emotionless and empty gaze, I thought I was the only one who could see through other's false facial expressions and it's a normal thing to hide all your emotional value, I do that all the time, but this guy was definitely unexpected from just how calculating he really is.

But my sense of relief and empathy was short lived when I cut the act and decided to dig my knife into his skull, but his reflexes were just as fast mine, he had the mentality of a true serial killer, impressive, we had a knife duel based on mutual respect and hatred, eventually he got the upper hand unfortunately, I hadn't had a decided plan though, and that was the first time someone actually got through my own unbreakable martial art skills, no one usually outsmarted those, but just like him I wouldn't give up so easily, I saw that there was a random cigarette on the left side of the floor.

It was a very convenient placement of an object that could easily blow up an entire facility building, I grabbed it and lit the fire, and then the building was lit up into flames, flares, ash, gravel, and dust.

Handling the fire was incredibly hard to deal with, considering the fact that I had felt a sharp excruciating pain, and eventually the entire building had not only caught flames, but also blew up completely without any warning or hesitation whatsoever, but surprisingly I was still alive despite the massive explosion.

I couldn't stay in there forever though, coming out of this experimentalist facility was my first priority, and the best priority if I don't say so myself, luckily all my limbs were still intact without any damage, almost as if they just regenerated in mere milliseconds with no time to spare.

I went to the west side of the hall where the victim had escaped with no remorse whatsoever, it took around 10 to 17 minutes to find the right exit door, but eventually I did and had wondered where the Graveyard Butcher could've gone, it was sad knowing that their will no longer be another individual that could possibly gain a level of power like me, bittersweet, but fitting at the same time.

Then I had made my way out of the building without any complications whomsoever, then I made my way out to the none existent sunset, considering that it is night right now, and the moon is out, but to be honest accuracy is real pain, no doubt.

I birthed a specific code, a specific code to protect and kill bad people, cruel people, and evil people, people who seek to destroy, take, and brutalize innocent lives that never deserved to die at all, I will make sure to my utter most ability to make sure that these individuals never see the light of day, this isn't a retribution, instead this is justice for everything they've done, if my name isn't Matelda Woods, I swear it on my very existence, and on my non existent life!



Next up

"The Hour Of Revelation" Chapter 3

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"The Exploration of the Utility Tunnel's" Chapter 2

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