16 hours ago

mic's nigth 4 teaser7

So yeh, finaly another teaser of Mic's night 4.

I know I've been a lot of time without publishing anything, and I'm SORRY, laziness also comes to game devolopment, and I also had Highshool homework and lots of exams.

But, let's get consentrate at the teaser.

What do you see? Who is this? Is he/she good or bad?

Music from poppy playtime 2 minigame "statues"

#all #art #games #teaser #fnaf #fan #fnaffangame #fangame



Next up

mic's night 4 teaser5

The new animatronic the "endo skeleton" Is called Fusion and its a fusion of mic, john, flip, lily, and honk.

My Withered Bonnie "cosplay" #fnaf #HalloweenCostume

#fangame #amr0919 #Mask

Follow my Mic's night 4 studio on scratch!!! link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35726831/



My Withered bonnie Cosplay (final)

Rat Race Production Update

mic's night 4 teaser8

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!

My favorite scary game i FNaF. #ScaryGame