Fun with the Custom Pizzeria (FNaF OpenSource Fan-Game)
4 years ago


- Small changing in Extra

- Trying to fix bugs with monitor and mask

- Fixind sound in other places



Next up

Updating newspaper sprite.

Someday the page will be available to everyone...

Когда-нибудь страница будет доступна всем...


I'm very late with this, but it's better late than never, heheh.

...and mading video tiser. It's last.

The authors of the models and maps will be specified definitely.

<After 3 hours of rendering (It's not now, it's 4 hours ago)>

Yes! YES! But... Блин... Okay, i think, it's it won't be particularly noticeable in the future...

(It's not poster)

Second try

Since I've completely stopped talking, I should at least show something... But so far, I don't have any other concepts and what's on the video, so... Oh, I hope I survive until I start working with this game...

Test render for FwtCP's Remake.

Mini DevLog!

Some little upgrades for the office. Textures will be replaced.
