Hey guys! Zexo/Jessica here!
I wanted to give you all an update about the game!
I sadly haven't put too much work into FNAFMCE, or Pixel:Core as of recently, a ton of things came up, and I'm slowly coming back to develop Pixel:Core.
As for FNAFMCE, I'm currently at a crossroads.. I can either continue work in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, OR I can try my best to port the game into Unity, just like I did with Pixel:Core.
[EDITED] Porting to unity would give me finer controls with the AI and such, and would be super easy for me to get working correctly because I would actually be scripting in C#
I'm not 100% sure, because it would take me a WHILE to do so, but then everything would be easy to port to mobile.. I've decided to put a poll to this post for you guys to decide what I do!
I'm still not sure how long it would take me to do either, I would like to try to finish Pixel:Core first due to how far in I am into development, but we'll have to wait and see!