Im not sure if it has to do with the ssl that can be used to upload game’s on gamejolt. a good feature and one I’m not particularly excited to remove. Anyway, all my games that were made after 2016 will not run in ios. This is partially because of something game maker did during that time period. However, kingdom hearts the islands did use to run on iphone 5s on ios 10.
all games i have made prior to this one will run on iphone 5s on opera mini with mobile user agent. opera turbo with video boost off and image quality set to lowest must be enabled. my original kingdom hearts the islands game does work on ios. however, for some reason the resolution is higher than it should be. the movie sequences will play but the picture is so big it isnt really playable. the good news all games even porcupine sex play in opera mini natively without any workarounds. however some of my interactive movies i removed the audio and used a player to play the audio on ios. those movies still require the audio to be played manually.
Somehow I accidentally upgraded my phone and now I have all the loving crashes new ios updates cause. I’m almost certain I won’t be able to play bully anymore because I’m running out of memory. I attempted to play kingdom hearts the islands in ios 11. In safari it loaded, but there was just a black screen. This is what happens to games upgraded past a certain point in game maker that are played through the browser and not a website. Playing the game in snowbunny which normally works was a much different story. The game loaded then ios froze. I couldn’t turn off the phone. 5 minutes later it finally decided to restart itself. Speaking of which why is there no real power button on phones
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kanye west taylor and I been friends been friends since the beginning ain't never fought once fuck you guys.
thought id make extremely pretty assets in unreal engine 3 but I plan to have a life sized model world with extremely pretty textures. gpu wise it should all run fine.
kanye west: taylor and I have been friends since the beginning ain't never fought once.
my submission for together jam. so grab your fancy setup and whatever works for you and enjoy bag of tricks not included.
you can now switch bodies in life in world just pick up one of the brian bottles. warning may cause you to fire rockets.
the game was originally an executable but google marketed gamejolt games as unsafe to download at the time so about a week later it was ported to html. then got some newmoviesequences but optimizing caused a corrupt texture.…
felix the cat patch as it should have been originally released now released. still technically think im allowed to use it I guess so thats a plus. youtube video with sound embedded on page.
as we enter beta we turn sunset on and off spawn blocks in multiplayer that let people know where youve been and we discover an ancient secret.
I like eating meat. I like eggs because its like eating animals but its before they are born.
it is an amazing loophole.
im pro-choice.
the original eggs abortion video.