the science of lycopene moses and the red sea
ratings are not based on the science of lycopene. ratings were 3 likes for kingdom the hearts the islands. the cancelled game this was originally based on can be found later in the page and has more likes. the science of lycopene was added merely to restore the page. we don't have our original builds. a previous computer died of a power surge. the cpu is fine but the computer is unusable.
I do have something that is not kingdom hearts the islands. a game about how lycopene could be a counter to dexamethasone. and possibly stall a coronavirus attack.(not true) can't stall a coronavirus attack. hydrogen is acidic. oxygen is basic. dexamethasone used to be treat coronavirus inflammation and was used to demasculinize female genitalia. essentially for female sex changes. it is not an androgen. although ice cream is not an androgen. in high quantities it is an anti inflammatory in the same way and is not harmful. if you have inflammation in the balls you can apply milk to them and over a long period of time the inflammation will go away. so I guess thats what ill upload.
age requirement:
you must be over 13 to play this game. gamejolt should gate mature content if it allows users under 13 to use the site.
this game was eventually removed because I removed code from the kingdom hearts javascript file needed for soras vertices. as ive continued to play it. I can see that it could easily allow a missingno like exploit to run and seeing sora is very hard on the eyes. this degradation wasnt a missingno joke. but yes the other island was cinnibar. and dont kid yourself although pokemon is the best game ever made. it also contains the most heinous virus of arbitrary code execution ever to exist. it is not a mistake of underflow. hammers dont accidentally destroy houses. the itch io version didnt have the bug but I guess I did know. I just really liked the sora kairi scene so much I didnt remove it and this is where the sora vertices removal is at its worst.
the original is here and was beloved at the time. sort of. not as much as my joke animation. but this was the higher rated original game deleted for being in progress. had a lot of features. odd reason to remove something from the site. just because im honest. wasnt exactly a ripoff.
the kairi and sora movie sequence can be found here
now the original game was never removed and im creating a boondocks animation against coronavirus that builds on the best themes from the added movie sequences in this game. that isnt complete yet but I do have a parody animation using chris griffin. unfortunately you do need to be 18 to view it. it is more sexual than the platonic flirting that occured between sora and kairi in this game. the boondocks animation will try to bring that back but we used a chatbot for the womens lines. some of them came out fine but theyre not as good as the scripts.
post meltdown world system requirements:
4ghz intel processor running constantly at 4ghz with intel turbo boost disabled
you must enable the process lasso rules to idle your processer to do this. ordinarly intel processors overheat using that frequency for any given period of time. do not run a benchmark. load the game and check temps and make sure nothing else is running. do not do this if temps reach higher than 83c but that shouldn't happen. its just a temp that occurs when I play games like the witcher 3 on integrated graphics which admittedly doesn't work that well. gears of war 4 does work reasonably well.
program required for this throttlestop
license of process lasso
chrome browser preferably one not updated to the latest version. spectre patches slow down the kernel as much as meltdown patches. this program makes extension use of the kernel.
I never knew this before but this game is dedicated graphics opposed(better word). dds files use vram. png files use ram. the game plays at 4k but nothing gets loaded into vram. this makes it work terribly on iphones.
2gb ram required. 834 megabytes for the game. did run on iphone 5s a long time ago but it was incredibly difficult to do. your vram doesn't matter.
these rules could damage your cpu or harddrive but most likely your harddrive I use a nvme ssd. I'm not saying these rules haven't damaged it but the short term performance increase has been unmistakable.
process lasso rules:
greater than 10 percent set io priority to low
greater than 15 percent set io priority to low
greater than 50 percent set io priority to low
less than 2 megabytes MB data any memory metric set io priority to high. this does assume that your using broadband.
set process priority of chrome to cpu priority high or set as many non essential programs as you can to idle and set chrome to above normal. set chrome.exe as a probalance excluded process. this should be done for any program youre running as your main program. the process lasso watchdog rules are redundant.
changes to this game happen frequently. glitches get introduced or the game simply doesn't run the way it used to. the most dramatic of these changes being meltdown. if you can use an exe version of the old game because the html5 version as you can see is essentially broken.
google recently made some changes to the html5 spec. to play the game when kairi is on the screen. click into the game window and press a this will will move soras arm and erratically continue the dialogue. much of the conversation will be missed by the time you do this.
flash should have never been killed:
raster graphics are amazing and html5 has never run anything decent on the supposed mobile platforms it was supposed to expand to. mp4 was a massive achievement in html5 over using flash players but when it came to games flash was far superior.
google's new autoplay audio policy means this game doesn't run in any browser. I used to be able to rely on chrome to promote the development of html5 but although it used to be that html5 did run on android devices and not apple devices. Google has now prevented all game maker 1.4 games from running in html5 that don't have specific workarounds to get around the issue. for example in order to play kingdom hearts you press start game and then the audio plays. however, even though you would think that would satisfy the autoplay spec it doesn't. The audio is played agnostically to the fact that audio is not the first thing you hear when you load the game. there is a trick to getting the audio to play in chrome. you need to interact with the game using the keyboard. this means if you want audio only the keyboard versions of the game will work.
keyboard controls
i up
j left
k down
l right
not yet used but are used in the original game it is based on.
a punch left
f punch right
w punch diagonal left may no longer work
e punch diagonal right may no longer work
on ground
space switches to air
in air
space jumps
to prevent the possibility of spectre exploit execution
all games will be unpublished. If my games are still here 5 years from now, and
I am still interested I will reupload. this file is simply kept to show that I came up with the ideas in this at the very least by the time uploaded. Obviously I don't own the copyright or trademark but if someone wanted to adapt this into something else it would be nice if I could show I was the first person to make it.
game audio plays correctly on
for some reason audio is now completely muted. all audio was voiced by either me or a tts voice I made. this was circumvented by playing the game in edge. to play with chrome you need to go into your chrome browser mobile or desktop and go to the url chrome://flags. In this menu you need to change the autoplay setting to no user gesture required. Since apple devices work this way I do not believe youll be able to play this on mac but maybe the same settings exists on mac chrome.
Sora relaxes on the island during a meteor shower. His friends wake him up and they climb the trees to see it. Sora and his friends talk about life. Afterwards, Sora decides he has gotten himself in so much trouble staying out late that he dawdles back to his house. However, he falls asleep. He meets an alien from another world, but Sora mistakes him for an illegal alien and starts to speak spanish. The alien tells him noone can be trusted and leaves. Distraught, Sora lays down and again is interrupted. Kairi calls him a bunny for lying in the grass. Sora insists that if he is a bunny he must be bugs bunny. Sora says he planned on jumping off bridge platforms a la the first kingdom hearts with Rikku. This would be referring to the part of the game where Rikku said he had already gotten permission to name the boat. I may be wrong on that, and obviously none of this is meant to be canon. Kairi says she doesn't want Sora to get hurt. Even though Kairi is teasing Sora, the two contrasting scenes are supposed to represent good and bad events in Sora's life. Now there is some controversy in this game and that is based on the fact that sora is sent to a mental institution. It is based on the line is any of this for real or not. I felt anyone feeling that way normally may be somewhat distressed. Essentially, if all the things in kingdom hearts are real, but noone yet knows about them. Sora would appear very insane. The idea was to mix the video game world with the real world. Before the events of kingdom hearts, they believed they lived in an ordinary normal world. Was there any serious purpose behind doing this? Well there was. Sora has always been a lucid high energy character which doesn't indicate anything by itself. However someone is manic normal personality may have a personality that is normally like sora's bubbly personality. The idea was to show what insanity looks like but at the same time show that you can be in an insane state and still be rational and even capable of remembering what is going on during that state. It's just the state prevents you from adequately expressing it. I know the real sora isn't insane but even if he was bipolar I don't think it changes the character as much as you may make.
move the mouse to the control shown on screen. for the title screen move the mouse to the correct area on the screen then away from it. there is no if statement to check if the collision has ended so when you move the mouse towards the text it collides forever until you move the mouse away. you can choose to skip a distressing movie sequence about sora being sent to a mental institution if you so choose.
keyboard controls
i up
j left
k down
l right
not yet used but are used in the original game it is based on.
a punch left
f punch right
w punch diagonal left may no longer work
e punch diagonal right may no longer work
on ground
space switches to air
in air
space jumps
please play the game using the bug fix build in internet explorer or safari. for some bizarre reason even though the build does work on my computer. The browser build does not play on chrome on gamejolt. If you play in chrome on gamejolt. lines from rikku will cut out and various other lines won't play which ruins any good part that I at least thought it had.
game is glitchier than sonic 06 but is considered completed. it is possible there will be glitch fixes. it is possible there will be game updates to expand upon some of the ideas present in the game. However, it most likely is what it is a completed but deeply flawed product.
if you are going to use mouse controls do not press any keyboard keys while in the window
game also has multiplayer controls with gamepad. controllers are at the end of the controls description.
keyboard controls
i up
j left
k down
l right
not yet used but are used in the original game it is based on.
a punch left
f punch right
w punch diagonal left may no longer work
e punch diagonal right may no longer work
on ground
space switches to air
in air
space jumps
mouse controls contextual
move the mouse to the arrow or jump button. wherever the mouse moves a hand appears. works similar to an analog stick. hold the mouse over which ever direction youd like to move to move.
this is how the gamepad controllers work for player 1 except you use the left analog stick to move the hand.
player 2 has 5 seconds to create a character.
to create the character hold r1 or rb and then move the right analog stick.
once the character is created it moves by holding r1 and then using the left analog stick.
tap o to charge right
tap l1 to charge right
tap x to stop charging in either direction
charging is required to be in the positive when attacking your friends or computer players.
*in the single player gamepad drawing mode you move a black dot across the screen by holding r1 and the left analog stick when you want your character to move press square to move it toward the square dot. to stop slowdown which may occur if you have created an image made up of too many dots. move the dot the character follows outside of the screen.
was designed for a tablet so mouse controls are preferred.
glitch workaround:
character is talking but there is no audio: make sure you are using the internet explorer or safari web browser if possible. If you are using chrome, Once the movie sequence has played. It may play better if you play it again once the audio has already been downloaded to the browser. It's a strange fix and I do not understand why these glitches keep happening.
no character appears and game has frozen: this occurs if you attempt to do the jump from the beginning of the game after it says id like to explore the island. will be fixed in a bug fix build for internet explorer and safari.
the game is in its final state, after you complete the bridge jump. rikku says you could have died sora and thus ends our journey in kingdom hearts. I could add on to it. However I see the completed rating as meaning the game should be judged as if it is a completed product. With the current glitches, it is glitchier than sonic 06 but there are a fair amount of movie sequences before the in game bridge segment. If you can get around the glitches you are a master tester and indie game player. you know the type of player that sees through the game creator or understands a design flaw and uses that to beat a glitchy game. there is one sequence lasting 30 seconds where you are free to jump around the island after a movie sequence.
this project was never intended to be uploaded on september 11.
the project was based on a canceled game that should never of been removed from the search results for being a canceled game. the idea to redo the movie sequences was on Aug 30, 2016. a proof of concept to speed up the animation was discovered then. I also decided the computer voice I made realistic would be good for the lines for kairi. With that, I could have the movie sequences not have emotion driven lines treated like a newgrounds skit.
personally I think this project falls perfectly under fair use. Unless projects are removed for having low ratings. I'm not removing it. Although I could understand how people may not like the beginning movie sequence where sora is being examined. the rest of the story doesn't hinge on that. It is told from the beginning of the story from there and at the end youll see sora is there for a legitimate but really inconsequential reason. essentially exhaustion. I don't understand how people could hate the beautiful sunset graphic or the in game sequence where kairi teases sora. maybe the sepiroth plot is heavy handed although it is pretty brief. All in all. this game has 5 minutes of movie sequences so far. there is an in-game segment but it somehow got completed destroyed. It doesn't work anywhere near the way it should. my games don't run as well on gamejolt as they do on my computer, so you can go here to just watch the movie sequence. keep in mind it did get 2 1's. hopefully it won't get my game removed, but it is certainly possible. Also the cancelled game which has more exploration of the island is here. It got one 5. It also got a 1. no surpise there. I have no idea how it got a 5. especially since you people essentially hate the first two parts. however I did notice that rikkus audio wasn't working correctly. I tried extremely hard in the new game to fix it but for some reason. The game acts differently each time it's run. I don't think the original had this problem as much. cancelled free roam kingdom hearts the isles.
you can pretty much stop reading now. gamejolt updated their rules once again, so essentially if you don't occasionally head back your resolution for your game will change which it means it will no longer work on older ios or a game you marked as cancelled which is essentially every game on here which are essentially tech demos of things there never going to deliver on. they call them in progress and they're games are protected from sudden rule changes that wipe their games off the platform unlike games that are honestly marked cancelled but still have a product to show. I could of course be dishonest and just say the game is in progress, but first off if I don't intend to finish it's not. And the original game as it was envisioned is simply not possible. I already tried with the jumping off the bridge sequence and it was already fraught with glitches. I honestly don't even know why my porcupine sex game ran at all with my luck. you can go bury that game too.
my explanation for the upload date I did not think would show up after the upload date. I kind of assumed it would say 1 day ago. 2 months ago. that kind of thing.
However I had a class off for school. decided to capitalize on in and complete the game. the movie sequences were getting complete quickly but still animation is not a fun process, even if this animation uses it's own system for it. The system is not flash. not that it matters because you clearly don't like the animated segments.
not sure if this was the description the day of the upload
the movie sequences were about how were affected by both good and bad memories and they all make up who we are. I admit the first movie sequence does appear like trolling even though this is an attempt at completing an old kingdom hearts I uploaded as cancelled. the first movie sequence shows sora being in a mental institution which is now optional although the game will tell you it's because sora was acting strange after sepiroth appeared on the island.
why it wasn't uploaded to asylum jam
I'm crazy, so I see it easy to be perfectly harmless but still be temporarily irrational whether it be a lack of sleep or heated emotions. both of which are unhealthy. The beginning movie sequence is a realistic look at at person like that. however, people have been conditioned to think you portray a crazy person with exaggeration and you are portraying them as an ax murderer. which of course was never the intention. It almost made me think of entering into asylum jam except they would think the game portrays negative mental stereotypes when the game is not really about insanity. It just plays with the line I've been having these weird thoughts lately like is any of this for real or not adds in soras wacky (as in hyper) personality and brings kingdom hearts to the relaxing parts of the game where nothing is really going on. Ive always liked those parts of any book or story. these parts are only ever good in a book like harry potter or a game like kingdom hearts. for whatever reason these relaxing sections need contrast like conflict to be entertaining but there enjoyable to watch in their own right.
game essentially broke when I tried to play despite working fine when I had played it months ago.
ads have been removed because cpu usage shot up to 30 percent and glitches increased. Also,they never showed up before so I never knew they were there. the bridge sequence still has glitches but the movie sequence with ads also did. now cpu usage is back down to 14 percent. remember to keep the window focused when playing the movie sequences. bizarre glitches can occur in them randomly which ive never been able to explain. Also pause is enter press z to unpause and you probably know this by now but if you can open up games in a new tab. Press play again usually restarts the game. Oh yeah you need to refocus the window when you press z by clicking in it. It may take a second. the pause menu simply sets the game to 1 fps. many actions happen in this game and that is also the code execution speed so it essentially halts the code even though it is technically running. Maybe it works in firefox. I don't know.
the preferred controls for this game are the mouse but the keyboard controls are
move i j k l jump spacebar. the game deals with how we are affected by everything around us. good and bad.
sora gets sent to a mental institution in the first movie sequence but this is now skippable. All you need to know now is that this happens because sepiroth arrives on the islands. Lets not focus on that. It is a minor part of the story. Sora enjoys
hanging out with his friends on the island. this parody touches on things that happen in
the beginning of kingdom hearts but mainly the line I'm having these weird thoughts lately like is any of these for real or not. deep very philosophical thoughts but what if sora had reason to think that this was
actually true. sora was always hyper sacrificial and occasionally recklesss. traits that make me think of bipolar disorder. we don't touch on this much. we really just try to have a light harded walk through destiny islands parodying many of the interesting things that happen on the island day to day.
guide to help ease people through glitches I cannot fix
It is neat though.
you move on the bridge. holes appear next to you as you walk. you avoid the holes. on certain parts of the bridge if you are further to the right when you jump youll propel further to the right so basically adventure style running around while dodging holes then entering into a jump mode where you are in the air in an anti-gravity esque mode with a twist its designed to land you back on the ground where you can then propel back up.
no matter what fix I apply to the bridge section it seems to permanently break but if it doesnt work try reloading your save or reloading your save and using the mouse instead
trying to revive the original project that people didn't hate with such a passion.
If you want to travel around the islands this isnt really possible yet. It is possible in the original and it will be possible in the final movie sequence. cancelled free roam kingdom hearts the isles.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans