Added a control layout select screen. The game now supports 4 different layouts: WASD, Arrow Keys, ZQSD, and Gamepad
Reassigned Action key (i.e. toggle crystals, open doors) from W and Z to J in WASD and ZQSD layouts respectively
All in-level key prompts changed from depictions of specific keys to generic action descriptors (e.g. “JUMP”, “ACTION”, “TAKE”)
Some people requested support for using arrow keys and others experienced some confusion with the simultaneous WASD and ZQSD support. Hopefully, this will fix both of these issues.
Unified “FMOD” and “No FMOD” development branches in all versions
GameMaker: Player: Game no longer tries to call the non-existent FMODGMS library
Maintaining the two separate branches of development was more difficult than I expected and needless complicated for the end-user (particularly for the Linux builds) for little gain.