Month report # 10
Well, yeah, last month report figured the work would be all done for the half or so of the month, but uh, thanks to some last moment additions, it delayed, and it may be a bit more delayed, but it's only for the sake of having a better final result. I strongly think that sometime this next month the release date will be announced, but not doing uncalculated affirmations like last time, so while it's highly probable that the demo will be released this next month, expect if it gets a bit more delayed ( Ill do everything in my power for that to not happen though ). That cleared out, some more sneak peeks below!

Of course there is nothing, it's a random bush. Dumbass.

Ohh... Extravagant...
I never know how to finish a post, so ill just leave it here. Who knows
next post will be about the release of the demo. If it's not clear enough, it's just a vague guess and not necessarily a bold confirmation. Anyway, cya!!!!, stay tuned for next careful posting.
#lisathepainful #lisafangames #fangame #Monthreport #gamedev
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