Hello there everyone! I hope you all had a great month of June like I have! Here's the progress of the game so far.
Story: 35% Done
Gameplay: 45% Done
Voices: 65% Done
Visuals: 40% Done
I'm guessing you already know how the gameplay is going from the screenshot I posted on the 4th of July. So yea, you'll get to play this game FNaF1 Style, although I have to say that you might want to pay attention to the Phone Guy calls for the first 2 Nights cause believe me, some aspects of the gameplay may be very confusing if you don't. Also I did want to make a little road-map for when the game releases, mainly regarding updates, and here's a little plan of what's going to happen regarding this. The first release of the game will be more of a test run, and if there are any bugs within the game that anyone has spotted... Update 1 will fix them (hopefully). Then as for Update 2... Well, I'll be adding more stuff to the game that will hopefully satisfy all of you at home ;)
So I am still aiming for an August Release Date like I said last month, for the first release at least. So hopefully the next Progress Post will be touching more on that, it'll be one heck of a good time once that finally happens! So... See all of you wonderful peeps in August. ;)