Altered Reality

1 year ago

Monthly Update - Edition #2

Hello Patrons, Gamejolt fans, and other consumers of our monthly updates! We're really late with this one, and I hope you don't mind.

On this edition of the monthly updates 'newsletter,' we're going to be talking game dev. During the time-period of which I was supposed to release this update, I happened to get into a little bit of drama regarding a new game that had just came out. The game won't be named, but it's very buggy, and very bad. Seeing a game I've been waiting for, for years now, releasing into a buggy mess has changed my perspective on development moving forward with Altered Reality.

I believe its better to be totally transparent with your fans & supporters, than to release something simply to release it. With that being said, Altered Reality still has no release date, and we plan to keep it that way until the game is in a state where it'd be reasonable enough to announce a general estimate of release. Over the past three years, we've switched through many different game development engines, and the first few didn't feel great for Altered Reality.

We so badly want to get this game out to you guys as much as you want it, but as of right now, we're going to take our time. With your continued interest and support, the game will eventually be finished. For now, enjoy the ride.

We've also made a virtual business 'caard,' pun definitely intended. This will link you to everything Altered Reality.


To continue on with this idea of transparency, I will now list some of the major purchases made with the funding given to us through your support, so you understand where your money is going.

- Tile-sets Two tile-sets have currently been purchased from our artists. These tile-sets are quite expensive, so it takes time for us to save the money to buy them.

- Sprite Art Many sprite-sheets are in the works. Currently we have two sprite-sheets, and some sprite concept-art, mainly relating to later parts of Altered Reality.

- Music About 7 tracks from the OST have been purchased. (This doesn't include the ones made for free, or by me.)

- Concept Art There's too much to count. We have SO much concept art. (Seriously this stuff is getting churned out like crazy.)

Hope that clears everything up for you guys. Anyways, I have a new track written by one of our latest musicians on the team.. I bring you, 'Planted.' by Ryan X. Messcher!

I am also very excited about and want to mention that I am getting a new computer with the aim of developing Altered Reality on it. My current graphics card chip is kind of kicking the bucket, so I've decided to make an investment for the project, and for my own personal sanity. I've finally gotten all of the details for the build ready, and once I have the computer within my grasp, hopefully that'll be the proper boost to get this show on the road.

As I've said, October was the intention when it comes to development beginning, but we'll have to move it back until I get my new computer. I plan to work 10 hours a week on Altered Reality, and I'll try to keep you guys as updated as possible on the on-goings behind the scenes. The last thing we want to do is leave you guys in the dark.

Thank you for your patience,
Carter D.
ButterflyCube Studios

Patreon subscribers will get this update approx. two weeks earlier than non-subscribers. If you're interested in getting these newsletters early, please subscribe to the patreon! (This time we were late, so that didn't happen.)



Next up

Here's a cute gif of Maura.

Monthly Update - Edition #1

I've updated the images on this page. Hope you guys enjoy the content. The game is feeling and looking amazing. #indie #indiedev #devlog #alteredreality #horror #indiehorror

I'm working on updating the UI to fit the purple color scheme of AR, hope you like it! <3 #horror #rpg #psychologicalhorror #topdown

Hey everyone! It's been a while.

She's here, the doctor herself! Of course, she's still a work in progress. But.. This is what she'll look like in-game. Our fabulous artist, Erasmo has done an amazing job! #RPG #PixelArt #Horror #ActionRPG #CharacterArt

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Monthly Dev Blog |-| November 2022

I made the game feel a little more alive.. I made it so Maura blinks now and it makes her feel less like a doll! Patrons got to see this early. I hope you guys are enjoying all of the content I'm pumping out! #horror #puzzle #rpg #construct #construct3

Making the jump...!